A Teahouse?

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Red Son entered the noodle shop bags in hand. The entire place fell silent, that is untill Mk broke the silence. "Heya Red! What are you doing with the bags?" Red Son only looked down clenching the bags in hand. Tang looking up from his bowl of noodles had realized roughly what happened and sat up. "Hey listen bud, I know a guy that could hook you up with a place if you need it." Red Son was stunned that Tang would give him such an offer. Clearing his throat before speaking, "Yes, I'd be quite thankful if you could bring me to them." Tang just gives a lazy side smile and sits up pushing the stool in and pushing his empty bowl towards the kitchen. "Be right back Piggy!" Tang turns to Red Son and nods, Mk is just left confused. "C'mon Mk they know a lot of Monkey King stories too." Mk nods before telling Pigsy he's taking his break and following Tang and Red Son out the door.

A few moments of walking pass before they stop infront of a store. The shop didn't have a LED sign like most others but instead a wooden carving on the side that could read 'Time's Cup'. Opening the door the three were met with a few customers sitting, laughing, and drinking. Tang walks over to the bar like counter Red Son and Mk follow after, " I'll have a number 5 with a dash of cyanide today." The bartender doesn't turn to face the three only nodding. "2nd room in the back, won't take long." Tang nods and smiles towards Mk and Red mouthing a 'this way'.  Walking down the hall and into the 2nd room our trio are met with gold trimmed furniture and a coffee table. "Sooo.... What are we doing in a teahouse?" Red Son ask. "Getting help of course." Red Son seems like he's going to say something but stops.

The trio doesn't wait long before the door opens and the same bartender from before enters. Putting his hair in a bun the bartender turns around to the trio. The man has scarring under his eyes thats turned a rather earthy green, it's a long his arms as well. Sporting a black sleeveless turtleneck along with a boa and some sort of golden cloth around his waist and a black Kù under it.

 Sporting a black sleeveless turtleneck along with a boa and some sort of golden cloth around his waist and a black Kù under it

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(Small doodle of him and a wip Wukong.)
"How can I help you today Tang?" He says sitting down infront of the trio. Tang smiles and replies "Well my dearest imortal friend, I was wondering if you'd be able to host my friend in Red here for a while." Mk perks up at the world 'imortal' "WAIT! YOUR IMORTAL?!?!" The man laughs at Xiaotian's excitement. "I suppose that is a term you could use, it would take too long to explain plainly but all you need to know about that is that my name is Nuò Yī and I am the product of a Peach of Immortality mixing with pure earth element. Now on to more pressing matters, I do not see why I cannot host him for a bit. It has grown quite lonely. Tell me, what is your name dear?" Red Son huffs looking up at Nuò "If you must know my name is Red Son." Nuò stands up and grabs something from a cabinet "Mind if I take your measurements? I'd need them to make both a uniform and get new clothing for you Red dear." Red Son is absolutely stumped "A UNIFORM?! Listen Mr. Just because yo-" Nuò smiles "dearie I'm not expecting you to work. Though if you are going to help out then you will be compensated for your work." Red Son frowns and Nuò moves his hand back "Perhaps another time, I apologize if I've upset you. I haven't had company in a bit."  Red Son smirks to himself while Mk walks up next to Nuò and pokes his shoulder.

"Hm, yes dear?" Mk perks up at the response "oh! I was just wondering if you could tell me some stories sometime? Also please be patient with Red." Nuò smiles and turns back to the cabinet putting away the measuring tape and reaching into a jar. "Cotton candy or peach?" Xiaotian tilts his head to the side "peach, why?" Nuò huffs affectionately and turns around "You really are like him. Here you go bud." Nuò hands Mk a peach flavored lollipop and pats his head. "Alright back too it, let me close shop and I can take you to where you'd be staying." There's just silent nods between everyone before Nuò leaves the room.

┏━✦❘༻SO SORRY THIS CHAP TOOK SO LONG. HOPE THAT THE LENGTH MAKES UP FOR IT! Tell me your opinions on Shūshu Nuò!༺❘✦━━┓

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