Chapter Five

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Since Kyiah's joined the dynamic duo, she's really upped their game. Educated them on knife throwing, how to pull of boxing moves like the 'duck and slip'. Dodging an oncoming fist by crouching under its path, and countering with a hook punch. And to 'parry and riposte', which is blocking a swinging hand with one arm to strike with the other. And though the boys are a little bulky, they generally seem to have gotten the hang of it.

And they each replenish their knowledge with her. Sam taught her a little Enochian, Dean taught her movies. She educated Sam about Croatian legends, and taught Dean the proper basics for chain wielding. Being the highly trained hunter that she was. She was conditioned to keep busy. Most of the time, she was kept in the gun range, or the room next door that quickly became a space for her to train. Filled with a variety of new punching bags, targets, martial arts mats, and weaponry to keep up her technique. Strengthening her core intent. Survive. Ever since Dean walked through the doors of that club, she'd been infatuated. Connected. Quick to realize who he was from the receiving glint of gold fascination in his staring...After all, it is like staring into the sun. His dashing good looks and appealingly gruff demeanor conjured feelings of passion she hasn't felt in many, many, years. And as warrior of worlds. That. Terrified her.

Despite Dean's exhausted hopes and pleas for rest, sleep refused to invade his body. He rolled over to the the bedside clock, 2:22am. At this time, Kyiah was usually down in the basement. Knocking around a punching bag, or busting up some target. He could almost always hear the rattling of chains from his room. Their metal twinkling occasionally lulling him to a light snooze. But tonight, the bunker's chambers were silent. Dean's curiosity got the best of him, stirring him to stray from his room out to Kyiah's. He tapped his knuckles against the wood pushing it open, revealing an empty interior. He closed it and walked down the bunker to the range. Inspecting the neighboring dojo. Stopping to spy an incredible sight.

It was Kyiah. Wearing a black martial arts gi and a thin crop top. Traveling across the floor in total silence. Directing a white tipped and handled bamboo sword in her hands. Her eyes closed. Her movements, tight, yet patient. She glides the weapon as if it was second nature. Stepping swiftly into each point as the curriculum proceeds. The more he watched, the more apparent it became that Kyiah was the one following. Complying to the beck and call of the slender stick's direction. Dean, entranced, forgot he was hiding in the shadows. Stepping out to lean on the doorway. Beguiled in the wake of her dexterous, alluring, form. Everything about this complex woman before him made his heart gallop. Considering the fact that her intense focus, and heightened sense of surroundings had likely informed her of his lurking. He took a chance, stepping onto the mat. Kyiah whips the sword over her shoulder and Dean forcibly stops it with a bare hand, inches from his face. The stinging sensation sent electricity crackling through his palm. Her eyes remain shut as she reacts. Forcing the weapon up over her head with a harsh spin. Breaking it free from his grasp to rush behind, and smack him to the floor. Leaving another burning mark across his back as the rubber tip of the bamboo braces the back of his head. Gingerly force-pinning him to the matt. After a second, she set him free. Taking merciful reverse steps, granting him the freedom to move. Dean pushes himself up as Kyiah finally reveals her mint green eyes. Syphoning his minimally remaining oxygen.

"Didn't your daddy ever teach you not to sneak up on a girl wielding a weapon?" She heckles, watching him stand.

"Yeah, maybe that wasn't my best plan." He anxiously chuckles. Hearing her satirical hum.

"What are you doing down here?" She pesters, twirling the bamboo in her hands. Watching as Dean ventures the matt, scanning the racks of expert hardware.

"Well I was looking for a beer." Kyiah scoffed, turning him to see her catty smirk. "Alright. I was looking for you." His honesty hit her with a level of flustered she wasn't use too. She quickly recovers, playing it cool. Reflecting her stumble with a sarcastic tone.

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