A: Lunch Date

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Aleksandr was thoroughly aware that his excuse sounded lame at best and stalkerish at worst but he couldn't care less. He needed any excuse he could get to see his mate. Having finally found him after so long, being away from him seemed to be agony. It made him irritable to not have his mate near him or in front of him - somewhere he could see him with his own two eyes. 

It also made his wolf edgy and anxious and thus, Aleksandr had jumped at the opportunity to show up at Leo's university in the fastest and flashiest car he had in his collection. However, he could see that Lev was feeling uncomfortable over all the attention they were gaining. He wanted to take his mate somewhere else, hold his hand and soothe him with his touch. 

But first, he had to do one little task otherwise he might start feeling uncomfortable all the time.

He shifted his gaze to the human standing beside his  mate. He trusted Lev so he knew the human would only be a friend but his wolf was possessive so he wanted to leave no doubt in the human's mind that Leo belonged to Aleksandr.

 He looked him up and down and with a little smirk, said, "Hi, I'm Aleksandr. I am Leo's zhenikh."

As predicted, his mate's face burst up in flames which internally made Aleksandr jump in joy but his friend had no clue what he had just uttered. 

He was looking at him in confusion which just made Aleksandr realise that Leo's native language was really strong since he easily understood that Aleksandr had just called himself Leo's groom. Or husband, which Aleksandr was hoping to become soon. 

He had never thought of himself as a man that would be so eager to be tied down or settled in a marriage but whenever Lev had crossed his mind since yesterday, which was more often than he cared to admit, he just wanted to hold the smaller, younger man in his arms and rub himself all over him to mark his property. 

"Y-your Leo's what? I didn't catch that." The human looked between me and Leo. 

Before he could speak up and tell the actual meaning, Leo voiced out, "Friend! He said friend, Sean." 

Leo turned and glared at Aleksandr but to his eyes, Leo looked like a cute kitten. This made him grin wider and Leo glare harder while he said, "Aleksandr, this is Sean. My. Friend."

Oops, his mate was really clever. He had already guessed what Aleksandr had been trying to do. His chest filled with glee. He really was the best mate for Aleksandr. Someone to keep him on his toes. 

"Sorry Sean, but it looks like I'll have to cancel our lunch plans. I'll join you guys next time." Leo added to Sean and said his goodbye as he left. Then he fixed his gaze on Aleksandr and he shivered with excitement at having his mate's full attention. 

"Let's go, pridurok." Aleksandr let out a loud laugh as Lev called him a jerk. 


Aleksandr and Leo ordered a large spread of food and Aleksandr was glad to see that Lev wasn't nit-picky about food but like all wolves, a heavy eater instead. Though it didn't show on his body. Being a wolf, their metabolism was better than humans but consuming heavy calorie food without burning it off could slower your reflexes and dull your instincts. 

Since Lev didn't have that particular issue, he must work out. Sasha was dying to know what sport his cute little mate played. He wanted to join and play it with him. Or if he just ran long distances in his wolf form which would absolutely delight his wolf.

"Are you still mad at me, kotenok?" Aleksandr asked his omega who was busy wolfing down the food on his plate while reminding him of a kitten. 

"Don't call me that." Lev replied while barely giving him a glance. 

"It's cute. Boyfriends give each other nicknames." Sasha countered.

Lev raised his eyebrows at Aleksandr and mimicked snarkily the word he had used earlier, "Boyfriends? Weren't you my "zhenikh" up until a few minutes ago?" 

Aleksandr just smirked and took pride in the word, "Da. You know I am."

Lev just rolled his eyes at him. 

"You're ridiculous! We're barely mates yet. We hardly know each other. If you ask me, we are just little better than strangers."

Aleksandr let out an angry growl at his mate for refusing to acknowledge their claim to each other and denying their bond.  

Thank you! 

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