A: Crawling

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Time had been crawling at the pace of a snail's ass dragging itself through a muddy swamp. 

Needless to say, Aleksandr's mood had taken a massive nosedive down the gutter ever since he had chased after the rogue wolf and only managed to come up with his leftover hoodie. His hands were itching with the need to pummel something, bonus if that something could have been the face of that bloody rogue. 

After finding the hoodie, they had left straight to Mologa to get together with the pack and discuss further steps. Consequently, he had not been able to see his mate since he had left the bar with its patrons swaying to Lev's sweet melodic voice. All these things were grating on Aleksandr's nerves and making him a terrible company. 

It had been a long time since Aleksandr had felt himself being so irritable and perturbed. The full moon near the end of the week was also not helping the matters. The pack members had ultimately realized to give their Alpha his space and leave him alone in his cabin near the lake. The lake being breathtakingly beautiful this time of the year with the sun blazing down on the slowly moving water had propelled Aleksandr to buy this cabin at a higher cost last year from the old man Ivan from his pack yet he was thoroughly ignoring all that in favor of punching his boxing bag hanging from the ceiling inside one of the rooms in the cabin.   

"Who crawled up and died in your ass?"

Aleksandr had deliberately ignored the sound of his front door opening and slamming shut. Just as he ignored his beta and best friend, Vlad's boorish remark. 

Without paying any heed to his Alpha's ignorance, Vlad just settled his ass down on the nearby couch and made himself home. 

"Krillen and a bunch of others are going hiking and camping this weekend near the Ruskel mountain park for the full moon. Do you wanna join in?"

No response from Aleksandr again. Though it was a good idea, he thought. He could just say so to Vlad and be a grown-up about it. He didn't know why he was being so surly and a brat. He could even invite Lev. If Lev would still talk to him, that is.

A pair of striking blue - grey eyes haunted him and his mate's face flashed in his mind. 

He missed Lev horridly. He knew he should have gone back to Lev's place no matter how late it had been that night or at least contacted him to let him know that something urgent had came up. Instead he had become so wrapped up in chasing the bad guy that he knew he himself had become a bad guy.  It was too late now to contact Lev and explain about that night's events. 

Not to mention that he would have to share confidential information. Not that Aleksandr had any doubts in his mind about trusting Lev, but he felt that this conversation needed to be done personally. Face to face. 

Maybe also, hand in hand. Just so Lev would listen to him. Body to body. With Lev naked perhaps. Wrapped up in thin cotton sheets or in one of Aleksandr's shirts. So he could smell himself on his mate mixed with Lev's own addicting scent, take deep gulfs of it and calm down. Yeah. Just to keep himself calm. And sane. 


He threw one last punch at the bag and leaned his head against it. His thoughts were getting him nowhere.  

Just as he had forgotten Vlad's presence, he spoke up again. "Oh and your mother called me since you weren't picking up your phone. She said Yuliya hadn't stopped crying for over an hour now." 

That news immediately made Aleksandr pay attention to his beta again. 

"What? Why?" Aleksandr growled, pisssed that Vlad hadn't mentioned that as soon as he came in. "Why didn't you say something before? What happened?" 

Before Vlad could answer, Aleksandr ran up the stairs to his bedroom and came back down in under ten minutes, having taken a shower in record time. As his Jeep was still at his parents' house, he quickly sat in the driver seat of Vlad's car and honked impatiently for his Beta to join him. 

"Would you try calming down? You'll scare Yuliya more in this state." Vlad said as he hooked in his seatbelt.

Aleksandr hit the gas and grunted, "What happened?"

"All your mother said was that she was bleeding and crying."

A growl rumbled from Aleksandr's chest at the thought of his younger sister in pain. Yuliya was at age 5, ten years younger than Anton who was at 15 and ten younger than Aleksandr at age 25. Everyone who heard about their age differences always got a laugh about it. Aleksandr had heard the story countless times of how his parents had married early and already had him when his mother was just 20. 

They had planned for Anton but Yuliya was a surprise even for his parents. Needless to say, Aleksandr had been there when both his younger siblings had been born and he loved the shit out of them, no matter how much Anton annoyed him these days. Aleksandr knew he was overprotective and the fact that Anton was in his rebellious teen years didn't help the matter. He always instructed Anton to keep an eye on Yuliya so the fact that Yuliya had been bleeding grated on his nerves. 

"You're going to burn a hole on the traffic lights with your laser stare." Vlad chirped from the passenger seat as they crawled through the traffic.

"Shut up."

"Honestly, Sasha, if you're so worried, why didn't you just pick up the phone when your mother called?"

"Because..I assumed she was calling me just to nag me about letting her meet my mate. I didn't think something had actually happened." Aleksandr gritted his teeth. 

"Never assume, my friend. It makes an ass out of you." Vlad snorted. "Though why won't you let her meet your mate? Hell, why won't you even let me meet with your significant other? You always change the subject when it comes to your mate."

Aleksandr gripped the steering wheel tighter and said, "Now's not the time." 

Vlad shook his head, disapprovingly. "That's just what you always say."

Aleksandr remained silent and as soon as the light turned green, floored it towards his parents house and parked the car in the driveway. He got out and didn't bother closing the car's door, knowing Vlad would close it. He knew he just had to get to Yuliya, his baby sister who was bleeding. 

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