The First Sign of Regret

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Tightrope - Because we will never know how far we could fall~

A few weeks before~

Albus' P.O.V

One would argue that I am a very simple and planned out man. Others more close to me would say I play to the beat of my own drum, yet I am also tied together in an unbreakable ribbon of the past. Or should I say pact. Though I cannot blame them for thinking so. It's been thirty years since we met, loved, bonded, and fell apart. We had spent three months together, and by the first week, I was already head over heels for him. I guess that says a bit about how easily swooned I am. How unfortunate.

But someone once said that some people won't sail the sea because they're safer on land. Afraid to venture new possibilities. Unwilling to step out in the great wide unknown even just for a second. My brother is one of these people. After the death of our parents and our sister, Aberforth has heavily resented me for what has happened. And I don't want to sound selfish but what's so wrong with wanting to live the life I want? I don't want to follow a fate that has been pre-written out for me already. I want to choose what I want. Be who I want. But who and what is that?


Sometimes, when I'm lonely. I like to look back at old letters and photos. Memorabilia that reminds me of some of the happiest moments in my life. To every picture, then to every one of many love notes. I've cherished and kept all that he has given me. Grateful for the love he did give me. Last night I sent him a letter. I know I shouldn't have, but I did. I was so caught up in my own anger and frustration that I didn't think. Did he love me? Or is it the voice in the back of my mind that tells me he didn't? Well. There's no going back now. What's done is done. I have to accept that it is unlikely that I will ever go back to that fantasy world we had called our own.

Gellert's P.O.V

Another day, another morning of trying to enjoy what I have, but feeling as though it isn't enough. I look upon my calendar and read the date in my mind. 'June, 16th, 1929. I can't believe it's been that long since I met the little pebble in my shoe known as Newt Scamander.' I take a sip of my piping hot cup of tea, sighing at the relaxing taste that burns on my tongue. I place the ceramic cup upon the saucer. They make a clink noise as they collide. I think back to the date. 'June, 16th, 1929.' Why did it sound so familiar to me? My eyebrows raise, trying to find what makes today so memorable. My eyes widen slightly, but quickly soften. On this day, thirty years ago, I met Albus Dumbledore.

A single droplet of salty sorrows leaks from my eye. I never usually cry. No. Scrap that, I never cry. I wipe the singular tear off my face. But I hesitate, holding my hand against my cheek. In the back of my mind, I can feel his presence. Caressing my face with his hand, telling me that I'm going to be alright. I hold his non-existent hand in mine. Lightly kissing the air as if he was here in front of me now. "What happened to us, my dear? You promised me you would never let go. But you did. The only thing that binds us together now, is the magical blood pact of promise, truth, and love. Or whatever's left of it anyways."


Nights have been restless lately. My seer visions have been popping up more often, and it's giving me headache after headache. I can't even tell what's visions, and what's just my imagination. But they all have to do with Albus. I imagine him and I ruling over the weak, loving just like we used to, fighting against our enemies. And the one that broke my heart into a million pieces. My most recent vision. Albus dying beside me. Blood spurting from his chest as he smiles at me, a single tear leaves his eyes. He tells me that he loves me, and then darkness. This vision has recurred in my mind so many times, I'm afraid it may be true.

Albus' P.O.V

My mind has been running circles ever since I sent Gellert that letter. I hate to say it, but I'm regretting it greatly. I was thinking more so, about others' opinions rather than my own. I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen? I didn't even think about his plan! I really am a horrible boyfriend.

No one's P.O.V

Albus paced back and forth in his office, contemplating what he should do. Gellert means so much to him, but he's worried about what his friends and family would think. Anxious, Albus decides to get some sleep, and come up with what he should do in the morning.

Time skip to the morning

As Dumbledore awoke the next morning, he was determined to come to a conclusion. His biggest decision would have to be his choice between his friend's and family's opinions, Gellert's, and his own. In all honesty, other people's opinions and needs always seemed to come first to Albus. But when weighing out family and friends over Gellert, he can't seem to choose one over the other. Wrong choices have consequences. And making the right choice was always more important, even if it wasn't easy. Albus thought of his brother; Aberforth. He had always hated Gellert with a burning passion for no absolute reason. But Albus never understood what was going through his mind at that time.

Next in Albus Dumbledore's decision operation! He had to think of his choices and the pros and cons of each option. This would be the easy part. Albus retrieved a piece of parchment from his draw, an ink pot, and a quill. He had begun.

First, his options. Keep going on as if nothing had happened (that's the easy choice), address Gellert about what he's doing but don't join him (I don't know how I feel about that one), or find him and join him.... (might think about this one, not sure it's right though).

After a long and well thought process of what Albus should do. He had finally made up his mind.

Gellert's P.O.V

I've never felt so alone. Everything seems to be in the way of me and Albus, and there's nothing I can do about it! Usually in a moment like this I would be blaming Aberforth. But this time I have no one to blame but myself. How much longer will this go on before the relationship between Albus and myself fully ceases to exist. Walking into my bathroom, I feel a heavy weight of grief upon my shoulders. Looking into the broken mirror, I look at my hair. And without thinking I grab a shard from the broken mirror and cut off a couple inches. And I've never felt so alive. I feel something move in my waistcoat pocket, and find that the blood pact is glowing. I've read little into the mechanisms of the pact but it's safe to say glowing is a good sign.

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