The Introduction To Evil

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 The Other Side - Right here, right now~

Gellert's P.O.V

"Gellert, why should I trust you? How can I know that you won't leave me again?" His words hit me like a stab to the heart. Though it is true, I have deceived him and manipulated him multiple times in the past before. With our plans, his sister, even when people like his brother or his so-called 'friend', Elphias tried to tell him how horrible they thought I was. But there is still hope for me, for him, for us. He's giving me a chance to sway him my way, for him to become what he was always meant to be. Right here. Right now.

"I'll put the offer out for you, my dear. I don't want to chase you down about your answer, but I know you see it. If you run away with me then I will set you free. Free from the responsibilities and the people who think otherwise. You and I can risk it all. Together." He looks at me with those same piercing ocean eyes. And they say more than any book in the entire universe. He's confused and intrigued, yet scared. But still very unsure. Now, I don't want it to seem like I'm forcing him into joining me. Because that is not my intention. I want him to do that on his own, so he can rise to his full potential. And even if it sounds a little crazy, we should live a little crazy. That's why I know exactly what to say. The few words that he needed to hear from me all those years ago. That very night I left him when he needed me the most.

I take a step towards him, and gently caress his fluffy bearded face. "I deeply apologise, my love. Even if it isn't enough for you, if I'M not enough. I'd do anything your heart desires to make up for it." I draw my hand away from him and look down. "You mean the entire world to me, Albus. And if your one true wish is to put me away in imprisonment, then I will surrender right here right now. No questions asked. And when I am away you will rise to empowerment, and the whole world shall know and praise your name. Albus I-"

"No, stop!" He loudly interrupts me, gripping my arms tightly as he shakes. I look back up at him. Small streams of tears fall down his face and collide with the hardwood floor. And though we were alone, it felt like eyes were staring right into my soul. I looked behind me to find nothing. But that isn't important at the moment. The most important thing right now is Albus. His head laid gently against my chest as his tears stained my shirt. The auburn haired man sniffled when his sobbing came to a halt and he pulled away from me, slightly embarrassed. It took a bit but he began to speak.

"I- I may not understand where you're coming from. But... I don't want to imprison you, and I most certainly don't want the whole world to know or praise my name. I can't live without you. As wrong as I know this is, I'm so sick of being the saviour that everyone goes to for help. The past is the past, it's been over thirty years of grief. And even if I am shamed till the day I die I won't care because you will be there with me. Won't you?" Albus pouts, looking up at me with those hypnotising eyes of pure blue. I must say, his puppy eyes are more manipulative than my whole being. I take his hand in mine, and sigh. As I bring it towards my face and softly place a kiss upon the Albus' knuckles.

"I love you. After all these years, it's always been you. I want to make up for it. I will never leave your side Albus. Never." Dumbledore looked hopeful. Putting full faith in me and my absolutely outrageous plans.

No one's P.O.V

Albus laughed a little at the sweet but cheesy confession. Then an idea sparked within his mind. "Let's get out of here!" Albus exclaimed with excitement as if he had stars in his eyes. At first Gellert was confused, but he was all for it. "Don't you want to get away from my goody two shoes life. It's pretty boring if I do say so myself. Besides, with me by your side, we'll be unstoppable." Albus laughs at his own joke and smiles.

"Are you sure? Not too long ago you were asking me why I should trust you." Gellert replied, raising an eyebrow at Albus' sudden excitement in leaving his old life behind and starting a new life alongside him. "Is my brother obsessed with his goats?" The older man called from his room upstairs where he was grabbing all his essentials loudly and rapidly. Gellert paused for a moment. That question was a no brainer. Of course he was, that man probably couldn't tell a goat from a person. Or at least that's how Gellert saw him. But why would his partner ask such a silly question. Then it hit him. He felt a bit stupid for not realising that Albus had answered his question with another question. But Dumbledore's wit was always one of Gellert's favourite things about him.

When Albus was done packing he quickly raced down the stairs and immediately stopped in front of Gellert, his face beaming with excitement. "Are you ready to go, dear?" The silver haired man chuckled while smirking. His long term love nodded and instantly went for the door to leave. "Hold on, Alby! We're wizards, remember. We can use magic and apparate, we don't have to walk."

The ginger laughs to himself. "Right, right! Sorry, it's just... it's all a bit exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules." And with that the two most powerful wizards of the era vanished from the house of Dumbledore without a trace and without being seen. Or so they thought.

"This was bound to happen eventually... I just didn't expect it to happen like this. I'll have to tell the others."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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