Sandboy 3.0

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After the now seventeen year old Ladybug experienced the entire tragic truth of what actually had caused Chat Blanc to destroy the world, she woke up back in her own time. Marinette had woken up crying heavily the tears wouldn't stop flowing. "Oh my god." She said as she looked over at her main photo of Adrien and her hugging. "Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir and I have been so blind how could I have not noticed?!" She exclaimed as she looked at Tikki. "I have been wanting to tell you that since I found out!" Tikki exclaimed as she looked at her holder who had just remembered the alternate timeline of Chat Blanc. "I understand that you literally couldn't tell me because of the magic preventing it." Marinette said, looking at Tikki. "A buggy sitting on her tower alone without her kitty." She sang out softly as looked out at the night view of Paris. "A little ladybug who feels like she could just give up." She sang as tears flowed from eyes, down her cheeks as she remembered what happened to Chat Blanc. "A ladybug who needs her partner, her beloved Chaton." She sang out as she cried. She looked up and saw a shooting star. She smiled softly and closed her eyes. 'I wish Chaton Blanc was here to enjoy this view with me.' She thought her wish as she looked out at the night sky. "The Sandboy just checked in, now nightmares can begin." She heard as she saw the poor innocent boy who had gotten akumatized into the Sandboy again. He had the power to bring nightmares to life. But worst of all, her worst nightmare too. She got off her bed to avoid the sparkling sand dust pouring down through her roof. Unfortunately, it missed her and she sighed in relief that Sandboy probably passed by. She climbed back up the ladder to her bed and opened the trapdoor of her balcony and saw Sandboy bringing nightmares to life in Paris all over again. "It's time to transform!" Marinette said as she looked at her kwami. "Tikki, spots on!" She said as she transformed into Ladybug. She climbed out of her room and swung her yo-yo from building to building and dodging other nightmares going around. Sandboy eventually spotted her and dived down with his akumatized pillow and started shooting sand dust at her. "You won't survive your worst nightmare for long, Ladybug!" Sandboy exclaimed. "We shall see, unlike last time!" Ladybug replied. Chat Noir soon came along and joined in with his lady, "This time we aren't feel-line scared. Nice to see you again, boogeyboy." He taunted. "It's Sandboy, you stupid cat!" Sandboy yelled at him as he shot sand dust at him, Ladybug tackled Chat Noir out of the way. But in the progress, she ended up getting hit by the sand dust. She ended up tumbling with him on the roof when Chat Noir ended up on top of her. "We seriously gotta stop tackling one another." He groaned out as he got off of his lady. He stood up then helped her up as well. "Good shot, Sandboy! Get me her miraculous now!" Shadow Moth said through the pink neon mask on Sandboy's face. She knew she got hit and she had to get Chat Noir and herself out of here before her worst nightmare causes chaos in this world. They both jumped off the roof and ran to the Eiffel tower. "Ladybug now is the time to tell me what your new nightmare is!" Chat Noir running with her and jumped up higher to the Eiffel tower.

A white-clawed hand came out of the shadows and pulled Ladybug close to himself. "Remember me, m'lady?" Her nightmare purred near her neck. She dropped her yo-yo as she turned around and looked at him. "Chat Blanc?" She whispered softly before she placed her hand onto his cheek. "Is this real?" She asked him. "I don't know." Chat Blanc replied as he looked into her eyes. Chat Noir saw Ladybug touching a white cat version of himself. His suit was pure white, his eyes were blue and his bell was titanium white. "Oh, I'm so so so sorry, this is all my fault. If I had just told you the truth none of this would have happened. But, I thought that I set you free." She said softly. "You did but now you remember everything." He said as he looked at her. "I don't know how though. That timeline should have been erased when I fix my mistake, Adrien." She said softly with tears in her eyes as she stared into his blue eyes. "I'm here, our hearts shall remain connected forever. After all, Paris is the city of love." He whispered into her ear as he pulled her into a hug. "Ladybug!?" Chat Noir ran over to them. "My name is Chat Blanc." He said as he flicked the white bell on his collar. "Chat Blanc's cataclysm is both limitless and extremely deadly!" Ladybug said as she looked over at him. They heard screaming in the distance. "Ladybug! Go find Sandboy! I'll deal with this cat!" Chat Noir yelled at her as he twirled his baton. She looked at Chat Blanc then over at her partner worriedly. "I'll be fine. Trust me m'lady!" Chat Noir insisted. "Always." She said before running off. Chat Noir turned his attention back on his doppelgänger in white. "I am stronger, powerful, and better than you!" Chat Blanc explained as he grabbed Chat Noir by the throat. "And I know Ladybug's secret identity. Don't you wanna know who she is underneath that mask?" He asked him. He tried to get his counterpart's claw hand off his neck. "No, not from her nightmare! She will tell me when she is ready!" He said as he refused. Chat Blanc looked at him. "You have always wanted to know her secret identity. But you want to wait until she tells you? How noble." Blanc said as he watched his doppelgänger in black.

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