The Trickster

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste were standing in the hallway talking about the best way to defeat Monarch when she heard metal clicks and a weight on her wrist. Marinette looked down and realized that the metal clicks were those of handcuffs. She had been handcuffed to Adrien/Chat Noir. Overwhelmed, she began hyperventilating until she promptly fainted. Adrien managed to catch Marinette on time before she hit the ground. Luckily for him, he had an excellent skills in lock picking. So, he took one of Marinette's hairpin from her hair. He started trying to pick the lock. Unfortunately for them both, Alya had gotten the most state of the art impenetrable handcuffs. Soon, Marinette regained consciousness but all she could feel is the warmth of someone holding on to her. Adrien continued his best to try and pick the lock, but it was no use. 'These handcuffs must be military-grade. No picking methods can unlock it except using the key itself.' He thought to himself. He stopped trying to pick the lock when he noticed Marinette regained consciousness. He was about to ask if she was okay when she snuggled up against them before nuzzling her head against the others neck. She noticed the distinct smell of Camembert. 'Chat always smells like Camembert.' She thought softly. "Kitty, so cozy and warm. Stay for a little longer." She whispered softly, clearly still out of it. He couldn't help but to blush bright red. "G-Glad to see you're okay, Marinette." He said softly. "Adrien, my kitty. I love you." She said as she looked up at him. "I love you too, M'Lady. But what's with the handcuffs?" He said as he held her. "I told Alya that we need to find a way to lure your father out of hiding. I guess that this was her solution?!" She said, a little confused. "But to be completely honest, I might just stay here. You are very comfortable and warm." She said softly, clearly just waking up. He just pulled her closer to himself. She saw her hair pin in his hand and looked back at him. "Huh?! Did it fall out?" She asked, looking at her hair pin. "No, I took it out from you just for a while. Someone has handcuffed us together. And surprisingly, these handcuffs won't budge." He said. "I'm not surprised, Alya tends to overly strategize when it comes to her mischievous pranks but how does she expect us to take down Hawk Moth chained together." Marinette said as she looked at him then at her handcuffs. "I could transform and cataclysm them." Adrien said looked at them. "Yeah, but we need to catch your father so..." She said smirking as she came up with a plan. "And what exactly do you have in mind of what are we going to do next, Marinette?" Adrien asked politely. "Text your father to meet us at my bakery." She said softly as she looked at him. "I gave my mom the snake miraculous, this morning and explained our entire situation to them. I left out yours and the others identities of course." She said as she looked at Adrien and smiled. "We can work with this. He will be in my house and me and my family can protect you much better if need be." She added. Pulling out his phone and started texting to his father and explaining their situation and asked him to come over to Marinette's parents bakery. As soon as he's done, he looked at Marinette. "Shall we head back now?" He asked. She nodded, taking his hand and leading him down the street and into the bakery. Adrien simply followed Marinette back to her bakery. Tom and Sabine were at the counter with Gabriel when they looked at their daughter's current predicament and began giggling. "Papa, Maman, this isn't funny!" Marinette said seriously. "We know but this is something only you could do. I assume Alya is responsible?" Her mother asked. Marinette nodded, blushing. He watched her parents giggling in amusement and can already tell that his father is the only one being serious. He politely greeted her parents. "Please to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." He said. Tom looked at Adrien and was impressed by his well-mannered approach. "How many times have I told you to call me Tom." He said to him. "And call me Sabine." Marinette's mother said smiling at him. Marinette took out her phone and texted their plan to Alya. She became Rena and grabbed Nino's turtle miraculous from Marinette's room. She jumped back down and handed the bracelet to Nino. Then they got prepared grabbing some rope, duct tape and grabbed some electrical tape. Alya and Nino then walked into the Dupain-Cheng bakery, placing the rope down besides the door. "Mr. Dupain! We got the rope and tape you asked for to fix the whatchamacallit." She said as she and Nino locked the front door and turned the sign to closed. "Thanks, kids. I really appreiate you helping me out with this." Tom said as the the two heroes stood in front of the bakery door. They nodded at Marinette and Adrien as her parents got into position as well, guarding the back and side door.

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