18. Bait

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Three Days Earlier

The darkness was a cloak over them as they swept over the wall, feet hitting the wet ground hard with a soft thump. Pulling his cloak further over his head, Yulysion Rovar ducked down behind some bushes as Garrow slipped behind a thick tree. They held their breath for a minute, thankful for the light rain that made it difficult to see further even with the night over them. Peeking through the bush, Yulysion watched the knights on patrol as they moved swiftly down the wall, weapons at the ready but relaxed.

They didn't expect anything...

Or they were expecting and just playing the part.

Yulysion had it ingrained in him, always expect your enemy to be one step ahead rather than think you're ahead in the game.

The Knights finally disappeared, their voices carrying over the rain as it faded swiftly but they waited further. It was best to be patient afterall even though time was of the essence. Yulysion glanced over at Garrow who leaned against the tree trunk, his face hidden beneath he shadow of his hood, one might think he was just napping or a statue.

Yulysion knew his friend was preparing.

They both were.

Keeping his knife close to him, the letter in hand as the knights reappeared several minutes later which gave Yulysion a clear idea of how long they would need. It was enough time for them to slip through. Once the knights disappeared again, Garrow raised his head and turning to Yulysion he made a slight hand gesture and quickly rolled around the tree as Yulysion ran out from behind the bushes, both of them running to the castle walls. Yulysion pointed upwards, pulling out his hooks and Garrow followed suit.

They had the right amount of minutes to get up to the first window as cited in the letter. Using the hooks to latch on to the stone walls, their powerful muscles allowing them to climb up the wall with ease and trust.

They had been practicing this for a while now since the mage had much such an invention.

Garrow dug the hook end between to stones, finding a grip and pulling himself up. The trek was unfortunately slow but as Yulysion glanced down he was pleased to see they had made some headway quick enough. And the window to their stop was only a few metres above them. Garrow nodded sharply, his face hardening with gritted determination as he moved his right arm up and Yulysion managed to reach the window sill first, one hand over and the other still gripping a hook to latch onto. He quickly pocketed his hook now he had a firm grip on the sill.


Yulysion blinked, shaking his head as the rain grew heavier and blinding his vision and he heard a strangled gasp, glancing down and-


Garrow thought he found a small crack in the wall for his hook to grip onto but missed as the wall grew slippery with rain and his boots slipped against the wall and suddenly gravity pulled him down-

He threw his hand up-

And jolted to a stop mid air.

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