Maxi followed after Riftan as he managed to climb up the slope, keeping her hand in his as he helped her up, much to her relief. Her feet felt as though they sinking into the earth and her thighs and back were starting to throb a dull ache. Finally reaching the top, a couple knights stood up top, reaching their hands out and helping Riftan up the steep slope and then Maxi who breathlessly thanked them, stumbling onto flat ground, panting heavily. Sweat made her hair cling to her forehead and cheek and her clothes felt stuck to her but she straightened up as their were shouts.
Maxi tried to avoid looking at the bodies laid on the ground, the dark puddles sweeping beneath the bodies only tensing if it was the knights but she could over thirty knights altogether and one wizard. Maxi breathed a delighted sigh of relief, even those wounded looked fine, casually sweeping the bodies around them. Nineteen bodies of assassins.
Nineteen who died for what? Maxi shuddered, hating the thought, rubbing her neck as she flinched in herself.
Was Rob Midahas working for them? Was it more than just about money and stealing her for the heck of it? Vengeance for Rob had made Maxi question things but remembering those distant words of his while she had been paralyzed, made her wonder.
Who was at the top of this scheme?
And was it really over.
"Milady!?" Yulysion swept past the knights, hurrying to her side and his worried gaze swept over her, hands fluttering as though worried for any wounds he may find upon her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? We saw the Lord and you disappear and we worried greatly for you and the carriage fell down the hill-"
"Yulysion, let the lady breathe." Gabel sighed, patting the young mans shoulder. "Or better yet, take a deep breath yourself."
Maxi smiled wryly, shaking her hands at him. "I-I'm fine. Riftan helped m-me. But is e-everyone okay?" Their were glances around the knights as they checked themselves over and finally a knight shook his head, smiling gently in relief.
"I believe we are all in one piece, milady."
"T-thank god." Maxi sighed, shoulders hunching over and an arm quickly wound itself around her, Riftan pulling her in tightly to his side as he swept his gaze over the men.
"Gather what you can, once dawn peeks in an hour we'll ride off. Gabel, you and others keep an eye out. I have no doubt we'll have attracted some werewolves or others in the woods."
"Yes sir!" Gabel quickly turned around, picking a couple men and as they scattered on the edge of the bushes, to keep an eye and ear out as the knights surveyed the bodies, looking for anything of value or at least anything helpful.
Maxi felt sore and achy, reaching up to rub her shoulders and Riftan glanced down at her, his face marring distortedly.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, because of me I might've hurt you even more when I pushed you away! Shit, I slammed against you-"
"N-No, it's not your fault!" Maxi swiped her hand up, pressing it against his mouth to stop his guilt-laden words, smiling faintly. "I-I'm sore yes, b-but I'd rather be sore than b-be crushed to d-death by a c-c-carriage." Riftan faltered at her words, understanding in his gaze but his lips tightened as he swept his gaze to his men. "Riftan, I-"
"Ruth!" Ruth was quick to appear out of nowhere.
"You guys all good! Milady, are you hurt anywhere-"
"She's been hurt." Riftan was quick to cut of Maxi's words and releasing his grip on her as he stepped away. "Please take care of her. I'm going to go help the men." Maxi sighed, shaking her head as she watched her husband sweep away but Ruth was quick to distract her, pulling her towards a rock and making her sit as he applied some healing magic. Maxi was relieved to feel her muscles and bones hurt much less than they had moments ago but she didn't find it at all necessary but she didn't want to complain and further make Riftan worried.

For Him
FanficRiftan has no plans to allow anymore horrors to befall Maxi, if someone wants him gone, they can come after him. They just wont have a chance. Maxi loves Riftan with everything in her. And she will fight her hardest to keep herself and Riftan safe...