Epilogue. For Us

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Your Royal Highness,

Coming from Princess Agnes Reuben, the situation at the Duchy has been resolved but not without consequences. With a heavy heart, as I relay the circumstances that were dealt and unfortunately lost a few lives of the Royal Knights who stood amongst the Remdragon Knights that I share all that the Duke of Croix has been found guilty of;

Treason to a Royal
Treason towards Lord Calypse and Lady Calypse
Conspiring and treachery
Taboo magic

There are more details further to be relayed but the truth is the Duke has lost all reasoning. His trial will be started with proof he conspired with mercenaries to kidnap Lady Calypse and have her killed followed by Lord Calypse...

...the Duke's obvious intent was to take Anatol for himself and do as he saw fit. But thanks to the determination of the Remdragon knights and Lady Calypse, his plan was thwarted as he the Duke has shown signs that a personal vendetta towards his daughter is what he strives for...

But for such a thing, he dared raised his arms against the Royal Army and before the Kings Messenger. We shall bring the Duke of Croix where the punishment he will serve will be granted by those who were greatly effected by him-

King Reuben didn't finish reading the letter for he heard the faint steps coming closer to his study and he raised a cold, ember eye at the door where a knock rang through elegantly and politely with two raps.

"Come in."

The door opened smoothly and he was greeted by his eldest daughter, Agnes who stood before him as she entered the room and he surveyed his daughter's appearance with a quick glance. He had heard from the messenger and from reading the letter, he could read between the lines.

Agnes stood before her father, vaguely noticing the letter in hand and surmised that it had just arrived as she had. Perfect timing, she mused.

"Forgive my appearance Father." Agnes bowed elegantly at her father who watched her with a cold expression but one that she was okay with. "I made haste to return to the Capital and answer all that you wish to know."

"Enough with the formalities." Was his only response as he stood up and Agnes tensed slightly as she entered the room further as her father stalked around the table and to her surprise she found herself wrapped within her father's arms and pressed to his chest like he used to do when she was a child.

"I'm just glad you are okay, my pride and joy."

Agnes could take a breather after the long couple weeks and buried herself in her father's arm, tightly embracing him back as she felt relieved to be home.


-There are more details further to be relayed but the truth is the Duke has lost all reasoning. His trial will be started with proof he conspired with mercenaries to kidnap Lady Calypse and have her killed followed by Lord Calypse's death at these very mercenaries hands. Fortunately Lord Calypse is far too powerful to be defeated by mere mercenaries and even Assassin's under the hand of Duke Croix.

What was also discovered was the trapping and gathering of black werewolves that were drugged and purposefully brought within human walls. Had the knights of Remdragon not be effective at what they do, the chaos and number of deaths would be excruciating to write about. The assassin's were part of the capture of the monsters and the mercenaries working for Rob Midahas who bears a personal grudge against Lord Calypse were brought to work together.

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