20. This Is War

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"Thieves are to be punished no matter what."

Yulysion gritted his teeth, bracing himself as his arm was forcefully held out straight and the metallic sliding of steel rang in his ears as loud as his thundering heart and despite his struggles, he closed his eyes as he listened to the screams of his friend and her ladyship.




He heard the swing and cutting of air-

Yulysion let out a breath, relaxing his arm-

The sword swung down with lethal grace-


Maxi screamed in shock but was unprepared for it all happened in a brief second.

The chains snapping Yulysions arm in place were snapped in half as the assassin's sword was swept aside, throwing him back in shock, his terrible dark eyes glowering in shock.

The Croix knight snapped the chains on Yulysion who quickly snapped around and slammed his boot against the assassin as Garrow lunged up, grabbing him and slamming his head against the wall.


The Duke screamed in outrage and horror, face paling as Maxi was dragged away as she kicked and squirmed against them, screaming back. The Croix knight, discarded his helmet, slamming it against another knight, revealing a head with dark curls and sharp gold eyes as the lean figure cut down a knight easily.

Gabel Laxion had arrived on time.

Yulysion took the spare sword, cutting Garrow's bonds as the Croix knights charged forwards and all Maxi saw was a swarm of men against three of her men as the dungeons grew into a cacophony of screams and shouts as the prisoners shrieked in panic and jeers, hands reaching through the bars like something from hell as Maxi watched in terror dragged through the dungeons.





Maxi could only hear their voices fading away as she was dragged through the yard back to the castle as her father snapped at his men.

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