Chapter 5: The archives

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Fable's POV:

" Here Ricky, give this Gregory for me, " I asked to Ricky, and he took the note. Then he scurried to the hole in the wall. I hope Gregory get this note. I put it in Morse code, Evan won't find out our plans to stop him and his reign.

Gregory's POV:

Evan left the balcony, and I waiting if Ricky had a note for me. Then I heard some scurried, and I saw Ricky. " Hey Rick, what do you have for me? " I asked to him, with a smile. He give me the note, and then he went to the direction of the archives, odd. Then I opened the note, it was in Morse code. I started to translate and read the message Fable left for me.

.... . -.-- / .. ...- --- .-. -.-- --..-- / .. / .... .- ...- . / .- / .--. .-.. .- -. / ..-. --- .-. / ..- ... .-.-.- / .. / - --- .-.. -.. / .-. .. -.-. -.- -.-- / - --- / --. .. ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .. ... / -. --- - . / .- -. -.. / .... . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / --. --- / - --- / - .... . / .- .-. -.-. .... .. ...- . ... / - --- / ..-. .. -. -.. / ... --- -- . / .. -. ..-. --- / .- -... --- ..- - / . ...- .- -. .----. ... / .--. .- ... - .-.-.- / -.. --- -. .----. - / .-- --- .-. .-. -.-- --..-- / .-- . / .- .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / ... .- ..-. . -.-.--

- Fable

Translate: Hey Ivory, I have a plan for us. I told Ricky to give you this note and he will go to the archives to find some info about Evan's past. Don't worry, we are all safe!

- Fable

I sighed happily, and I realized Ricky doesn't know the archives not like me and Fable. I left the balcony, and the bedroom. Evan was in the bathroom doing something. I went to the archives to help Claire's best friends. I have the keys to the archives, Evan gave them to me for some reason. I went to the door that had sign ' The archives ' and I inserted the key into the keyhole. Then I turned the key, until I heard a click. The door was unlocked. I entered the room, and I closed the door behind me. Then I heard scurrying, I knew who it was. I followed the noise, it was Ricky. " Hey Rick, I am going to help you. If that with you, " I said, and he nodded. 

I put my hand out, and he climbed up my hand, and my arm. Then he sit down my shoulder, " So we need to find Evan's files. That will take a while for you, but I think where the files that my friends needs." I went to the E section of the archives. I looked through all the names, Evelyn, Eva, Emily, and I went through the whole list. ' Huh, it's usual here, ' I thought to myself, and I looked at the other shelf that have names that start with E.

These archives holds the secrets, projects, personal information about the worker, etc. Also, the newly employees, and the prisoners of the dungeons. I went through all the people's names that starts with E, then I saw Evan's. I opened it, and it had all Evan's personal information. We need this for Fable's plan of stopping Evan for good. I have mage's powers, and I know Evan have some good in him. But I don't why he is evil, and I remembered Evan told me that his personality changed after the bite. I know the bite is.

As I read the files, it had some the information we needed. But we need to more, the plans. I took the files in my hands, and I went to see the plans files. Then Ricky started tugging my hair, and he pointed at the door I came from. I looked what he was pointing at. I saw Valentina was in the room, and this is not good. I need to stay calm for this, and I need to make sure she doesn't find I am here. I went the other direction, and she was the other direction. I walked to the planning room, and I saw all the plans Evan made in the past years. There were so many of them, and I went to find the most recent one he made. 

When I found it, it was in ancient language. I knew this language from somewhere, but where? Probably, from my past life? But why do I know this language, but don't know where? This is ancient vamp-lust's language. I am a bit rusty about this language, and I took a picture, then printed it. After it was finished, and I stuffed it into the folder with Evan's personal information. Then I left the room without Valentina finding out. Ricky hid behind my shoulder, and we went to the dungeons.

After I made it to the dungeons, I ignored the guards. Then I went to the cells of my friends and my older sister. " Hey guys, I got your message and I help Ricky with it, " I greeted my friends, and they looked at me. " You got it, and the info? " Fable and Claire asked at the same time, and I nodded. I slipped the folder into Fable and Eliza's cell. " It took us a while to find Evan's file, but we managed."

Then Ricky climbed down my shoulder to the floor, to Claire's cell. I smiled, " I need to got before Evan knows I am gone from the room, " I said, as I left them alone with the info they needed to stop Evan.

Fable's POV:

I opened the folder, and I saw a photo with Evan's plans on them. I took it out, and I hid the folder under my bed. I looked at photo, and the plan was in ancient Vamp-lust language. I giggled, " Evan thinks I can't understand this language. But I know this from Ivory, she taught me this language, " I said, as I looked at the plan with flashlight. " How did Ivory taught this language? " Claire asked to me, and I looked away. 

" That's when she had her memories back than about him. He taught her the language, all us pure souls thought we could trust him. But we were wrong, " I answered, remembering what A̸̧̡̭̘̫͆̄̍̀̀͆̾̾͠l̶̠̩͙͑́͌͛͘e̶̫̳͌̔̌̉x̸̡̦̼͇̻̋̓̅̍ͅa̵̗̗͌͐́n̷̠̗̦̘͕̾d̷̨̡͙̮̞͉̟̹͛̿͗̂́̇͛͜͠͠ę̵̪̦̯̩͑̆̐̌͘͝r̵̩͇̰̹̤͋́͒͐͑̊̏͑̄ did to the humans. " Who is Alexander? " Claire asked, and I was shocked she could understand my glitched voice.

" I guess you all need to know."  

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