Chapter 14: Wait, what!?!?!!?

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Two weeks after you know...

Gregory's POV:

I was drawing at the balcony, and every time I tried to leave the building. Evan will know, I sighed. Recently, I was feeling sick for some reason. I been throwing up recently, I thought it was a sickly. But I remembered Evan and I didn't used the condom, when we did the ' thing. ' No, I might- no I can't be pregnant. I need to confirm it first, but how am I going to get a pregnancy test, when Evan won't let me leave this place.

Then I remembered the serum has wear-off already. So, I can go invisible, then I will go to town. Smart idea, Gregory. I got up, and I put on my crop top jacket. Then I left the room, and then I went to the entrance. I turned invisible, and I put on my hood of my jacket. I left the building without Evan noticing. I walked to the town, and I need to find a pharmacy. 

I hope Evan doesn't notices I am gone. I went to alleyway, then I turned visible. Then I use my glamour. I managed to get my glamour power back, and I went to the nearest pharmacy. 

After I went to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. I went back to VP, invisible. I entered the building, and I took the stairs. So, I don't creep Evelyn out with the elevator. I turned visible again, and I went to Evan's bedroom. I entered the bedroom, and Evan wasn't there, which was good news. I went to the bathroom, and I took out the test, I just brought. " If I am pregnant, I am so doom, " I said to myself, as I took the test.

I read the instructions, then I took the test. After waiting for a few moments, I looked at it. Then I was in pure shocked, " No, I can't be, " I said, as I stared at the positive test. I am pregnant, and how am I suppose to tell Evan? Also, I need to tell my family, and my friends. Claire is so going to kill Evan, but we were planning to stop Evan. 

But Evan didn't capture or kill my other friends in town. They worked Fazbear Entertainment, Maya and Michelle. I need to get their help in this plan, and I need to this test from Evan. I sighed, and I hid the test under the counter. Then I left the bathroom, and I went to the dungeons. Evan let me have a few weeks off because of reasons. I went to the door, and I opened it. I went down to the deepest parts of the VP. 

I made it to the bottom, and I looked at the throne door. I turned the other direction, to the prisons. I need to hurry this faster, and I entered the prison. I went to the cells of my friends and Eliza. Then I made it there, I saw Fable was sitting into the corner away from Eliza. " What happened with them? " I asked to my friends. " Well, they got into a fight a few weeks ago. So, how you been going? " Claire asked to me, and I need to tell them.

" I am fine, except..." I trailed off, and Claire looked at me. " What happened? " She asked to me, and I looked away. " I-I am pregnant, " I answered, and they gasped in surprised. Fable looked mad, " Did Evan got you pregnant? " Fable asked with worried tone. I just simply nodded, " I am so going to kill him, " Fable said with rage tone. " I know Evan is Alexander, Violet, " I said out of the blue. I looked away again, Fable was not shocked at all. " I knew you will find the truth sooner or later. I wanted to protect you from him, but I failed. Now, you are pregnant with his child, we don't know if this child will like more like you or Evan. You have a choice to make, " Fable explained to me. I hugged my stomach, " I think I need to use my visions to find that out, " I answered.

" Before I go, we need more help from our friends over at Fazbear's. I was thinking, but I need to get you guys out of here. Once and for all, " I said, and I used the keys, to unlocked their cells. They got of their cells, " Thank you, Gregory. So what is the plan? " Claire asked, " We need to contact Maya and Michelle, they can help us, " I answered, Claire nodded.

" So, you need to go, here some illusion disc. You can turn invisible with them. There is one more person you can look for. Silverelle, " I said, and Claire knew Silverelle. " Isn't that your aunt? " Claire asked, " Yes, I know. But she can help us as well, " I  answered to her. They nodded, then I heard the guards, " You need to go. I will pretend, I just got here, " I said, " But you can't lie, " Claire said with worried. " I been practicing, so don't worry, " I said, to reassure them. Then they used their illusion discs. They went invisible, and I pretend I just got here.

" Where are the prisoners? " The guard asked to me, " I just got here, " I answered, " It was like this when I got here. " Then I saw Evan came from behind the guards, " Hmm, he's not lying. I will take him, and find them, " Evan ordered to his guards. Then I followed Evan back up the stairs.

We went back to his room, " So, care to explain, what's this? " Evan asked as he pulled out the pregnancy test from his pocket. " I found this under the counter of the bathroom, " Evan explained, and I was sweating. I need to tell, no I can't. I need to keep my cool, no I am so stress.

" I'm pregnant, " I answered, and I covered my mouth with my hands . Evan was shocked, " Wait, what!?!? You are pregnant, * sighed * I'm happy, we are going to have a child, " Evan said, with happy tone. I sighed in relief, but I am worry if this child will be more like Evan. I am very worry about that, I don't want my child to be like their father. I want it to be who it want to be, I sighed, again, I need to be careful about my baby's future. I need to stir them to the right path, when they are old enough. I need to protect them from becoming like their Father, Evan.

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