Chapter 13: I am in control (Smut)

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Claire, please do not murder me for this. Plus, I am not good at writing smut. :')

Gregory's POV:

" What!?!?!!?" I shouted, and Evan teleported us to the bedroom. I ain't doing this, and I tried to get away, but the doors were locked. " I hate you so much, " I said, while blushing, and Evan laughed. I am going to be in trouble with my parents and my older brothers. Evan wasn't looking at me anymore, then I went to the balcony. But Evan took my hand, and this is going to end bad.

I didn't turned around, and Evan spun me around to make me face him. He had something in his hand, " We are not doing this, not like five years ago, " I shouted at him, but he doesn't listens. " After you found out about my secret, I will make sure you will be quiet about it, " he said, and he put on the thing he was holding on my neck. It was collar with a leash, and he pushed into the wall, and I gasped.

He put his hands on either sides of my head, on the wall. I was pinned on the wall, " Before we do this, I have a question ask you, " Evan said, I looked at him, as I was blushing. " Go on" " Do I have your consent? " Evan asked, and I was blushing really hard. " Yes, you have my consent, " I answered, while I was blushing.

( Smut started here)

Evan grabbed my chin, and he leaned in. Then he kissed me and I kissed back, it was so deep. I started to lose control of myself. But I need to control myself, then Evan lick the bottom of my lip. I give him access, and I opened my mouth a bit. Evan slid his tongue into my mouth. He started to explore it. I moaned a bit in the kiss, and I let Evan to be dom. The kiss was so deep, I was losing control.

Then Evan broke it, there was a string of saliva. I was panting, but Evan wasn't, how is he not panting. " I am going to be in control, okay my little angel pet, " he whispered into my ear, in seductive voice. I was blushing really hard, why does he have to be this hot? He pulled the leash, and he smashed out lips together again. But this time it was short, then we pulled away. Evan lifted up my chin a bit. But I knew what doing to happen. I tried to used my hands to pushed Evan away, but he was smarter. He pinned my hands above my head, with his free hand.

Evan started to kiss my neck, and I started to moan. He kissed very spot on my neck until he found my sweet spot, because I moaned really loud. He started to suck, lick and bite that spot. I was in moaning mess. He kept abusing that spot, " M-my p-parents g-going to k-kill you, " I said between moans. Then he stopped, " But they don't have to find out, " he said, and I looked away from him. He let go of my chin, " Look at me, darling, " Evan said, and I did. He leaned closer to my ear, " I will make sure you don't walk for days, " Evan said into my ear, and I was blushing really hard.

Then he let go of my hands, and he picked me up, bridal style. Then he walked to the bed, and then threw on the bed. I whimpered a bit as I landed on the bed. Evan climbed on top of me, I was blushing really hard. I covered my face with hands, " Aww, come on, love, " Evan cooed, and he took my hands off my face. Then he grabbed some rope from his nightstand, and he tied my hands above my head. Evan laughed a bit, and he took off my shirt, and my binder. Evan bite into my collarbone, and I moaned really loud.

He kept biting my collarbone, shoulders and he started to kiss my chest. My parents, my older siblings and Fable are so going to kill Evan. Then he stopped, " I make sure everyone knows you are mine, my little angel, " he said, and he kissed me on the lip. I kissed back, and he pulled away. " This time, how about we don't use the condom, " Evan said, and I was shocked. He wants me to get pregnant, and I am going to be so dead with my family now. Evan took off his clothes, and my clothes off as well.

" So prep or no prep? " Evan asked, and I was silent. " I guess, I will chose for you, " Evan said, as he pulled the leash a bit. I gasped, " No prep, " I answered, and Evan smirked. " I will make sure you don't walk for the next few days, my pet, " Evan said, and I blushed at the nickname. He giggled, and he kissed me, I kissed back.

3rd POV:

Evan aligned his cock with Gregory's hole. He started to thrust into Gregory, and Gregory was moaning so loud. Gregory gripped the sheets of the bed, as Evan kept thrusting into Gregory. Gregory moaned in pleasure, and Evan kept slamming into Gregory. " E-Evan, I'm g-gonna-" " Don't cum, until I tell you to, " Evan said, and Gregory was in a moaning mess. Evan went a bit faster, " Ahhhhhh~," Gregory moaned, really loud.

Then they cummed at same time, and Gregory had passed out. " Well, I guess I have to cleaned this up, " Evan said, and he used his magic to clean the bed. While he went to the bathroom with Gregory in his arms.

After they cleaned up, Evan used his powers again to put Gregory in some clothes. Then he put Gregory on the bed, and let him rest. Then he put on some clothes, " I hope Gregory doesn't tell anyone about this or my secret. * Sighed *Gregory won't get powerful than me. I will make sure. Let just hope, Evan, let just hope, " Evan said to myself as he left the room. 

Little did Evan know, Gregory was going to be stronger than him, eventually.  

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