Chapter 17: Hide and seek

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Gregory's POV:

I need to get out of the hallways. I don't want Evan finding me, and I ran through the hallways. Good news there is no work for today because of the truce party. It will be held here this time, because Evan is planning to kill the mages here. I need to hide from Evan, I need to- " There you are, darling~" Evan said behind me, and I turned around. I saw him, and I spread my wings, and I flew up. Then down, and I ran as fast as I can.

I stopped for moment, I was far away from. I stopped because I need to catch my breath. I was panting, and sweating. I don't want him to find out, I just want my friends to be free. I started to walked, and I need to get outside. He won't find me, but I am inside. Evan knows this place at the back of his hand. I need to get out, I need to make sure he doesn't find me.

I walked down the hallway, to the elevator. I entered it, and I pushed the button to the main floor. I sighed as the doors closed, and I hope Evan doesn't find me soon. 

After I got to the entrance, and I left the elevator. I saw the front doors were locked, " Fuck, I need to find a hiding spot, now, " I scolded myself. Then I heard Evan's voice, and I need to go. " Gregory~ where are you? " He asked in purring tone. I teleported into the main office, and I was getting exhausted from teleporting. If one more teleport, I am going to wore out. I need to act fast, and I decided to hide behind one of the bookshelves. I sat down on the floor, and I heard the door opened.

I covered my mouth, to prevent sounds coming out of my mouth. I am scared, and please don't let Evan find me. Evan started to search everywhere in the office, and I need to stay hidden. I looked at my stomach, and I know I will have a daughter. I want her to be like a person what she want to be. I don't want her to be like her father. 

I stayed hidden, Evan kept searching around the room. I whimpered a bit, but I hope Evan didn't heard that. Please, don't find me, please don't find me. I was scared, I don't want him to hurt my friends, and Eliza. I will not tell him the truth, I need to protect my friends and Eliza from him. I started to sob, quietly, and I heard footsteps coming this way. I tried to stay calm, and I started to whimper. " I know you are here, love~. You can't hide forever, " he said, and I was terrified. Every time I've seen this side of Evan, I get scared.

Like when our past life, Alexander was the same as well. But he reincarnated as Evan, this is less worse then before. Alexander was more terrified than Evan. I held in my breath, I closed my eyes, " I found you, " Evan said, and I opened my eyes. I looked up, and Evan was there. Crap, I got up, and I teleported again. But I was exhausted already, crap, I shouldn't teleport. I fell to the floor, and my vision started to blur up a bit. 

I tried to look around where I am, and I got up. I used the wall as support, and I rubbed my eye with my hand. Then my vision cleared up, and I look around where I was. I was in the secret room, and I was tired. Then I collapsed onto the floor, and I was too exhausted to get up. I breath heavily, I shouldn't have use my teleportation skills. I knew this is going to happened, but I had no choice. I had to teleport, and Evan knew where my friends and Eliza are, they will be kill. Because they are mages, but Eliza will spare because she is vampire. I need to get up.

But I am too exhausted to get up, but I need to get up. Before Evan finds me, my vision started to blur up again. No, no, no, no, I can't pass out, now. I opened my eyes, realizing they were started to closed. I got up, and used the wall as support. I walked around the secret room, and I decided to hid under the desk. He won't find me here, because there is a wall. I sat down under the desk, and I waited for Evan to find me. Then I heard the door opened, crap, he is here. Please don't find me, but I remembered he can read my mind. This is how he is finding me, so I silenced my thoughts. " Oh hiding your thoughts, hmm. That was smart, but when I find you. You know what going to happen~" he said

I stayed silent for this, I heard his footsteps around the room. I covered my mouth to prevent sounds coming out my mouth. I whimper a bit, but not too loud. " Hmm, you are smarter than I thought, love. Come out, come out, wherever you are, " he cooed, but I am not falling for that trick. I can't teleport anymore because I am too exhausted, and I can't use Glamour, because the crystals on my back.

Only when I am outside, I can use glamour. I stay quiet, and then he was at the deck. He was looking at the cupboards, " Hmm, I thought you will there. Unless..." he trailed off, and he looked at the deck. I need to use glamour or my illusion disc, I put on the illusion disc. Then I turned it on, then Evan looked under the deck. " I thought you will be here, " he said, as he got up, and looked around the room some more. I turned back visible, I sighed in relief, but I was too loud. 

Then Evan went back to the desk, I am so screwed. I tired to use to the illusion disc, but it wasn't working. Then Evan looked under the desk again, " Found you~, " he said, and I pushed him out of the way. I need to get out of here, but I fell onto the ground due my exhausted. I tried to get up, but I failed. I need to get up, and I turned my head, I saw Evan was getting up. I need to get up, so I tried again. Then I got up, and I use the wall for support. When I turned back at Evan, he grabbed my arm. " You think you get hide from me, love, " he said, and I closed my eyes, I was waiting for the pain.

But it didn't happened, I opened my eyes. Evan looked at me, " Why are you not hurting me? " I asked, and he looked at with sad expression. " I will never hurt you, my love. I told you, I promise not to hurt you, " he answered, as he put his hand on my cheek. " Gregory, do you really think I will hurt you? I never in my life, not like our past life. I told you, I love you no more what, " he answered, and due I was too tired. I passed out.     

Hurt (Evan x Gregory) book 2, Vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now