Chapter 16: Maya and Michelle ( Part 2)

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Fable's POV:

I lead them to where the vision lead me, and to the stone wall. " It's just a stone wall, " Evory said, and I put my hand through the wall. They gasped, and I pulled my hand out. " They been hiding here the whole time, " I said, and we walked through. As we entered the cave, it was pathway. We followed, and the caverns were beautiful. I hope we find them, and we followed the path.

Then we heard, talking. " Maya, what if we just have a plan?" said a female voice, and we peek around the corner. We saw it was Maya and Michelle, they were talking about something. " What are they arguing about?" Eliza whispered, and we all didn't know, well, except me. " They are talking about a plan, " I whispered back, and they looked at me.

" We need to talk to them, " Mike said, and we nodded. I was thinking a plan, until Michelle was coming to our way. We panicked, and we turned on our illusion discs. They walked towards our direction, we held our breath. 

" I thought we heard something, " said Michelle, and Maya just shrugged. We held our breath, and then they went to the other direction. Then we went visible, and we were fine again. I hope Gregory keeping Evan busy. Then Maya and Michelle saw us, " Oh shit, " I said.

Gregory's POV:

Evan was pacing back and fourth. I am just worry about the child. I know it will a girl, and Evan was pacing because of the child. " So, you think it's a girl. Plus, you are right, love, " Evan said, and he walked up to me. I was right, but I hope they found them.

" So, do you know how they escape? " Evan asked in a serious tone. I gulped, I need to lie, but I can't. I need to lie now or never. " W-well, I just went down there and when I got there. They- um, were gone, " I lied, and I was relief that lie for the first time in my life.

I hope he buy it, " No, I don't buy that, love. I feel you are lying, just tell me the truth. You can't lie to me, " Evan explained to me, and I was sweating. He came up to me, and I was scared. I don't want him to proceed his plans. Guys, please find soon, I don't know if I can stall any longer. I started to back away from him, until I hit a wall. I was trapped, and I looked away from him. " Hmm, if you won't tell me. I will make you, " Evan said, but I am not going down with a fight. I looked around, and I saw a dagger on the floor.

Then I use my telekinesis to send it to stab Evan. But he dodged it again, " You think you can hurt me. But I won't hurt you, just tell me. Were you the one who broke them free? ' He asked, and this is going to take a while to get the truth out of me. I just gulped, please I don't want him to find out.

Fable's POV:

" So you are telling us, that Gregory is what? " Michelle asked, " Well, he is the only one who can keep Evan sane. Plus, we don't know how long Gregory can stall for us. We need  your help, plus, the truce party is coming soon, " I explained to them, and they thought about it. " Okay, we have to help them, Elle, please, " Maya pleaded, " But it's too dangerous, " Michelle objected, and I feel that she is like Eliza.

" We need to stay here, this is safe, " Michelle exclaimed, with worried tone. " No, Evan and his team will find you sooner or later. If you guys mages stay here any longer, " I protested, and Michelle looked surprised. " How did you know we are mages? " She asked, and I sighed. " You work at Fazbear's. All mages, bloodlust and pure souls are on that side, instead of VP, " I explained to them, and they understand what I mean.

" Okay, we will help you. But when is this truce party? " Michelle asked, and I pulled out Evan's plan. " He is planning to kill all the mages in the truce party, but not all of them. The truce party is in few weeks from now. We already have a plan, it in motion. We just need to translate the rest of this plan, because in a language me and Gregory only know of, " I answered, " We can help you translate it, if you want, " Maya offered, and I nodded.

Then we started to translate the rest of the plan.

Gregory's POV:

I was hiding in a small room, Evan was looking for me. Evan wasn't going to stop trying to look me until he find me. I remembered that Alexander had shadow magic, but does Evan have shadow magic? " Ivory~ where are you?~ I promise I won't hurt you, " he purred and I held in my breath. I don't know if I hide here for long, I need to move. I need to teleport to other place in the company.

So I did teleported to other part of the company. I opened my eyes, I was in the throne room. This is where Alexander died, until reincarnated as Evan. Then I started having visions of my past life about his death.

I was Ivory, and I was holding a sword in my hand. I am surprised I didn't managed to get a scratch on him. " You are so weak, love. You can't defeat me, I will proceed my plans to kill the humans, " Alexander scoffed, and I wasn't going down with a fight. As went to turned his back, I collapsed on my knees. I was clutch on my sword, but my left arm was wounded. I use my right hand to support it.

I got up, as Alexander turned back, I ran as fast as I can. I jumped up, and I stabbed Alexander in the chest. Al started to cough up blood, and I put out the sword. He fell onto the ground, " H-how d-d-did, "  " I am smarter than you, you will never, ever hurt my family. Any longer, you hurted a lot of people already, this is your end, " I said as I interrupted him. Then he gasped for air, and then he died.

I dropped my sword, and I started to cry. I wish I convinced him sooner, and I turned back. I saw Violet, " We need to go, Vi, " I said, as I walked down the steps. " Okay, " she said.

I was on the floor, I got up. I need to get out of here. This place brings bad memories, and I spread my wings. Then flew out of the throne room, and I flew up to the surface.

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