Chapter 29: Truce Party (Part 4)

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Fable's POV:

We defeated Evan's guards and his some of his workers. All of them surrendered like the plan, " Keep watch of them, I will find Gregory, " I ordered, they nodded. I went to find that door to the dungeons, I walked through the hallways. I need to find them, I don't know if Gregory kill him yet. I need to get there in time.

I found the door, it was wide open. Then I entered it, and I walked down the stairs where the real battle is.

Gregory's POV:

I flying around the room to avoid Evan's attack. Then I landed, I threw my sword right at him. But I missed him, " You missed? Hmm, I thought you were going to kill me. I guess you eye coordination is bad, now, " he said with a laugh. But I wasn't going to give up yet, " Maybe I missed, but it's not going to stop me from killing you, " I shouted at him, and he sent some shards at me. I dodged them in time, and I landed on the floor. 

I looked around me, he disappeared. He is invisible, I know what to do. I closed my eyes, and I focused to find him. Then I felt a presence behind me, and I opened my eyes. Then I threw a shard from the floor at the presence. Then he turned invisible, and the shard pierce in him. " Gotcha, " I said, and he pulled out the shard.

" I didn't expect you to do that, " he said as he laughed again. I knew someone else was in this room besides me and Evan. " I am not letting to hurt the mages, I will not let you, " I started to cry, and I am going to end this all now or never. I am going to kill him, if I have to stop him for good. We been planning for this, for months already. I took deep breath, " Going to give up already? " He asked, with a smile, but I am trying to fool him.

" Well, I win I guess, " he said, and he threw a shard at my wing. It pierced my wing, and it hurt. He turned around, and I picked up my dagger. Then I charged at him, and I jumped, then I stabbed him in the back. I heard him gagged up blood, I pulled out the dagger from his back. Then he fell on his back, " Jokes on you, this is where your life ends. You hurted enough people already, " I started to shed more tears from my eyes.

I dropped the dagger, and I fell onto my knees. " I d-didn't th-think you w-will do that, " he bled out, " I love you, Evan, " I sniffed, " I love you too, angel, " was the last thing Evan said. I burst into tears, I did it. Like the plan, I thought I could convince him, but that plan back fired. My child is officially fatherless, and I need to protect her. That's my new responsibility, and I cried and cried. I never thought I will miss Evan, and I got up. I wiped my tears, and I saw Fable. She was watching us, fight each other. 

" You really did it, " she said with awe, and I ran to her. I cried into her arms, " It's okay, it's over. It's over now, Ivory, this is going to be a fresh start for you and your child, " she comfort me, and I felt a bit better. " Let get you to the others, " she said, and I nodded. We went back upstairs, this is going to be a new starts for all us.

We went back to the ballroom, and the polices and medical people are in the ballroom. I saw my parents who look worried, " Calm down, I am sure your son is okay, " said the officer to my parents. I ran towards them, and they saw me. " Gregory, " they shouted, I ran into their arms. " I guess he is here, after all, " said the officer, and then he left us alone. I started to sob and cried into their arms. " It's over, " I said over and over. I can tell they are happy, we let go. " He is dead? " My mom questioned, I nodded with tears in my eyes.

" We did it, " I said, " No, you did it. His plan and reign is over. I knew you could do it, my son, " dad explained to me, and I was happy he is dead. But I wish he could of change, but this is his fate. " So, what are we going to do with the building? " I questioned, I looked my parents. " Probably destroy this building for good, and put something here, " Papa answered, and I smiled. I looked at my friends, I ran up to them. " Guys, he's gone for good, " I said, and we cheered. 

" Good, I hope that motherf*cker stays dead, " Claire announces with happiness, and I hope so too. I was happy, but sad at the same time. Evan is officially gone, the mages kind is safe. As long us pure souls are here to protect everyone, I thought to myself. I sighed with relief, " I hope Evan will never come back, " I agreed with Claire, and we went to get some medical attention. We laughed and joked for a bit, as we walked to the medics.

This is going to be a new start for all of us. I was happy at last, but at least I have one thing Evan left me. A child, I will raise without his help. I will make sure she will live a good life, and she will never find out about her father. " So, what happened to Ricky? " I asked to Claire, " Oh, I told him to stay at your house to protect him, " she answered, and I smiled. 

I am happy this is all over at last.

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