Chapter 21: The drawing

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Gregory's POV:

I curled in up a ball, and I locked in here all alone. I cried, and I need to get out of here. I wanted to cry for help. But this room is soundproof, and I need to get out of here. After that argument, I am so mad at Evan. I need to get out of here, but he didn't take my phone. I opened my phone, I looked through my contacts. Then I found the number I was looking for.

I called the number, and I waited to them to answer me. Then when they answered, I was in relief.

Fable: " Hello?"

Gregory: " Vi, it's me."

Fable: " Ivory, I mean Gregory, you are okay!!??!!?!!?"

Gregory: " Yep, but Evan is getting more aggressive. He acting more like Alexander, like his past self. He *cries* locked me * cries* in his bedroom. I can't get out."

Fable: " Iv, we will get you out of there. We need a plan, don't worry we will save you. You need to be calm down, please. Take deep breath, okay, we will find a way to save you. Just tell us what else he did to you."

Gregory: " Well, he did some experiment on me a few weeks ago, without me knowing. He locked me in here, and the balcony has a shield over it. So I can't escape this place."

Fable: " I am going to murder him for sure, so you have anything to get out of that room?"

Gregory: " No, if I use my powers, I will get electrocute by the crystals on my back and my neck."

Fable: " Okay, just keep Evan out of that room, we will get you, okay?"

Gregory: " But the truce party date was move to next week, there is not time. But there is a way, I create a plan before this all happened."

Fable: " Okay, tell me the plan."

Gregory: " I will send it to you, I need to go. Before Evan come back."

Fable: " Okay, be safe and careful. Bye for now!"

Gregory: " Bye, Vi."

I hung up, and I haven't eaten yet. I hidden my phone, and I heard the door opened. I saw Evan, I got up from the floor. " I brought breakfast, and I need to do my job. Don't even think to escape, " he said the last part in a dark tone. Which send a shiver down my spine, then he put the plate of my breakfast on the table, then left the room. I sit down in the table, and I started to eat my breakfast,

After breakfast, I went to the balcony. I took out my phone, and I send the plan to Fable. After that, I hid my phone where Evan will never find it. I sighed, and I was bored. Then I remember my drawing supplies was in the bedroom. I went to the bedroom, and I went to my nightstand. I took my drawing stuff, then I went back outside. I sat on the couch, and I opened my sketchbook, then I started to draw.

I wanted to draw something out of the box, and I draw something from my vision. There was a something, I can't picture. It was always a blur or shadow to me. I started to draw the item from my visions, the thing that will kill Evan for sure. It was something, and as I started to draw it. I was so focused on it. This is the thing I use to stab Evan with, I will kill him one day. If I kill him before my baby is born. My child will fatherless, but at least they don't have to go what I am going through.

I sighed, as I continued drawing on the page. I listened to the sounds of the birds and rustling of the leaves as I drew the object. I hope Fable like my plan for this.

Fable's POV:

After I got his plan, I went downstairs to show the others. " Hey guys, I got Gregory's plan to stop Evan and his company for good, " I said, as everyone was at the table. " Show us the plan, " Evory said, and I showed them. " So Evan moved the truce party's date, huh, " said Michael, " So, it's tomorrow, we need to be ready for next week. We have the poisons to kill some the vamp-lust, and we need some garlic, " Lily explained, " We can use garlic bread, " Maya suggested, and it's not a bad idea.

" We can buy so garlic bread for party if you want, " I said to them, " Yes, that's not an bad idea. So we already have the poison, but we need the garlic bread, " said Mike, and we nodded. " I have one question, " I said, and everyone looked at me. " Go on, " Noah asked, " Well, is the poison can only kill the vamp-lust? Are we immune to it? " I asked the questions, and Michael said, " Yes, we are immune to it, but not the vamp-lusts. So, we need to be careful about the garlic bread, because some of us are vampires, " Noah explained, and we nodded.

" So, what happened to Gregory? Why can't he tell us himself about the plan? " Evory asked, and I looked at the floor. I need to tell them, " Gregory is locked in a room, and Evan did some experiment on him a few weeks ago. That experiment he did on Gregory, is causing Gregory to feel electrocuted if he use his powers. Plus, I think they had argument about the safety of mages again, " I answered, and Gregory's family except for Eliza was flumming with angry. " WHAT?!?!!?!?" They all said with angry, and this is going to be a lot of explaining to do.

Gregory's POV:

After 3 hours of drawing, I finished it. I looked at it, it was dagger. But I don't have a dagger that looks like that. Only mom does, and I can't get out of this place because Evan keeping captive here. I heard the door opened, and I switch pages. Then I pretend to draw on the page, " Oh, I thought you were thinking to escape this place. Oh well, it's looks like you learn your little lesson, " Evan explained, and I continued drawing.

He loom over me to see what am I doing. " Nice drawing, " he complimented, " Thanks, " I said in monotone. " Sheeh, you don't have to be this serious, " Evan said, and I am going risk it. The dagger was still in the room, and I use my telekinesis throw it at him. But I felt electrocuted again, but I am risking it. I looked over at Evan, and he caught the dagger. " You know, you can let go now, " I said, and I still felt electrocuted. But I didn't show it, and Evan drop the dagger. " You are good at hiding your emotions, " Evan pointed out, and I leaned on the armrest. Because of the crystal electrocuting me, and then they stopped.

I saw Evan loom over me, and he sat beside me. " You need to stop trying to kill me, you know you can't do that, " Evan said, as I put all my drawing supplies away. " I am doing this slow you down, " I answered, even if he didn't ask the question. " Slowing me down? Well, you did that part, you are smarter than you look, " Evan explained, and I looked at him. He looked at me, and I looked away, because I was blushing. He pulled me into an embrace, " I'm sorry about what happened earlier, " Evan said out of the blue.

I did feel bad about earlier as well, " Me too, " I said in sad tone, and Evan kissed my head. I was tired about stuff. But I need to process to the plan, we are going to kill Evan next week with that poison.

Hurt (Evan x Gregory) book 2, Vampire auWhere stories live. Discover now