Chapter 2

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You are nothing. You are an assassin. How many victims? How many bodies? How many more? How many more? How many more?

The voices started to chant and Killua sank to his knees "I don't want to" he whispered.
Oh but you do. You like killing. The feeling of blood on your hands. The look of cold pale dead bodies. Don't you? How many more victims? How many more? How many more? How many more?

Killua started trembling and tears filled his eyes "please I don't want to" he whispered even quieter then the first time almost as if he wasn't sure of himself. 

Then many pairs on shadowy arms with no proper shape to then lunged out at Killua and he was surrounded by darkness. He shrieked and then opened his eyes to a dark room. He was sitting up in bed and still shaking. "It was a dream?" He looked over at his clock. 3:38 am. He decided to go on a walk to try and relax. 

A little while later he was strolling down the street and letting the cool breeze brush against his cheeks. He was feeling a little better already. Suddenly he started to feel like something was familiar. He walked along a street and decided to make a turn for no random reason. He started to walk into a neighborhood and realized the reason everything seemed somewhat familiar. This was where Gon lived. Maybe he would get the job done now while the boy was sleeping. Then he could easily dispose of the body. According to the file Gon was a pretty light sleeper so he would have to be very quiet but Killua could do that. 

He approached Gon's house and expected all of the lights to be off because who the fuck would be awake so early in the morning. Besides him of course. But as he examined Gon's house, several lights were on and Killua gritted his teeth when he saw a light upstairs on which he could only imagine was Gon's bedroom light. "Son of a" he suddenly stopped upon seeing a figure exit the house. Shit he thought to himself. He didn't have time to hide. 

Just then the figure ran up to him. After his eyes adjusted he realized that he was looking at a whole lot of green. Green hair and t shirt and also sweatpants. Jesus Christ Killua wanted to look at his closet to see if the boy ever wore a different color.
"Why are you awake!" Gon asked Killua. 

"I could ask you the same thing. I had a nightmare so I decided to take a walk outside and I ended up here." Killua glanced over at Gon's eyes as they went wide. Such a pretty color of brown. Almost golden. Killua forced himself to stop staring. "So why are you awake?"

"Uhhh I may or may not have waited for my aunt to fall asleep so I could binge avatar the last airbender again" Gon smiled sheepishly and then his face lit up with an idea. "Wanna come watch with me? I don't mind starting over but if you've already seen it then you can choose if we start over or not" Gon smiled warmly. 

"No way" Killua whispered to himself. Avatar the last airbender was actually his favorite tv show. It was cheesy but so good and to be honest he didn't mind watching the show with Gon but he also didn't want to get attached to his next victim. "No that's ok I've gotta get home" he mumbled. 

"Wait nooo pleaseeee?" Gon shot him puppy eyes and Killua groaned. 

"Alright fine. It's not like anyone in my family cares that I'm gone so I guess. But only for a little while ok?" Killua followed Gon inside and they both went to Gon's room. Killua was expecting for Gon's room to be completely green but to his surprise it was actually a light cream color and the only green thing was a nice lamp that went well with the furniture. 

"I would have thought your room would be green too" he said almost as an afterthought.
"Why is that?" Gon asked out of curiosity. 

"Uh..." Obviously Killua couldn't tell Gon that his file had said he wore green most of the time and it seemed to be his favorite color based off of that because it was creep him out. And he couldn't have known that green was Gon's favorite color if they'd only met a few minutes ago. 

"Well it is my favorite color but it's a bit much for a whole room ya know!" Gon didn't really seem suspicious and Killua thanked his lucky stars that Gon didn't seem to have noticed his slip.
The two lay on their stomachs and watched avatar the last airbender on Gon's laptop until Gon fell asleep and Killua did soon after. They woke up to Gon's aunt standing over then and shaking them awake. Well actually she was only shaking Gon because he'd ended up on the side of the bed that wasn't against the wall and was cuddled up with Killua so she was technically shaking them both. 

Gon started to wake up "eh?" 

"Gon...who is this?" 


Killua was starting to wake up as well and he realize that he'd made the dumbest mistake by falling asleep at this house. Now he would definitely need to kill Gon's aunt Mito. Fuck he thought and then realized the problem at hand. 

"Gon and I are new friends and we were watching a show together last night..." he said the first thing that came to his head.  

"Yea Killua is my new best friend" Gon beamed at his aunt and then pulled Killua into a hug as of to prove it. Killua blushed at the sudden contact and then noticed Mito's eyebrows furrowing.
"Gon" she said softly. "I know you don't want me to worry about you but you know it's ok if you have guy friends right? I won't restrict you in anyway ok? Just tell me next time if your going to have someone over for a sleepover so I can make a good breakfast?" She left the room smiling.
"Why did you think she wouldn't let you have guy friends? Actually why did she say that at all?" Gon smiled nervously and started rubbing the back of his neck. 

"I uh... I'm gay. I came out to her a while ago but she always thinks that I won't let myself be friends with guys because she'll be suspicious about it. Honestly I've just always been bullied by other guys for it so I don't normally have other people over. I have a couple other friends but their girls. I don't really know but yea" Killua's eyes widened. He wasn't going to tell Gon that he was gay too because that would make things super awkward but he smiled at Gon to let him know he wasn't homophobic or anything. 

Then Gon yawned and flopped back on the bed. They'd only been sleeping for a few hours and he was still super tired. Killua could have gone for some more sleep and he knew his family would just assume he was taking care of his new job so he also flopped back onto the bed to sleep. 

Killua woke back up to the smell of something really delicious and noticed that Gon had cuddled into his arms while they were sleeping. He decided not to move so he didn't wake Gon up. Killua admired the way Gon's face looked while he slept. He was so peaceful. He looked like an angel. Then Gon's eyes fluttered open and they ended up staring at eachother for a second and Killua blushed. 

"Come on let's go downstairs to eat Killua" Gon grabbed his hand and Killua flushed bright red. They ran down the stairs together and had breakfast....


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