Chapter 6

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It was morning. The bugs were chirping outside of the tent and the smell of fresh dew was in the air. It had rained lightly the last night but nothing heavy enough to wake anyone in the family.
Gon woke up next to Lilly squirming in her sleep. Killua was still sleeping peacefully with his back turned towards the side of the tent. It was nearly 8 o'clock and Gon was starting to get hungry.

Quietly, he got out of the bed area and headed over to the other side of the tent to make something for breakfast.

Coffee was first. Always. He started to brew some hot water in a portable battery powered water heater. It wasn't nearly as strong as the coffee machine they had at home but it worked well enough and the coffee was decently hot.

While waiting for the water to heat, Gon opened up the cooler and fished around until he found some eggs and preserved ham. That would work well. He turned on the small grill stove and put the ham on along with some oil. Soon enough it was sizzling and the eggs were cooking. The smell of good food filled the tent and soon Lilly woke up.

She sat up next to Killua who was still sleeping and nodded her head sleepily. Her hair was in messy bed head mode and she rubbed her eyes while walking the short distance to where Gon was cooking. Just as she got there Gon decided that the ham was ready and the eggs could be flipped. He then let them sit for a bit longer to keep warm while Lilly munched on some of the ham. He then handed her a paper plate with an egg and she nibbled on the white before eating the whole egg in just a few bites.

Gon ate two of the eggs and saved the other two for Killua. He turned the grill off but it was still warm so he left Killua's food on it to keep the heat until the white haired male woke up. About ten minutes later while Lilly and Gon decided to have a look outside, Killua woke up and saw the food on the grill. He smiled to himself and then ate quickly as he had woken up pretty hungry.
He walked outside assuming that the rest of the family was out there and saw Gon and Lilly playing a small game of tag not to far from the tent. They were weaving through trees, running and laughing and trying to catch their breath too.

Killua laughed to himself. It was a cute sight. He wondered what they should do for the day and stared up at a big tree in thought.

"Gon! Lilly! Let's go on a nature walk today! I think there's a pretty common path around here and it's supposed to lead to a pretty good view and I think it's also a picnic spot." Killua called them over and they all started discussing their plans.

"Sounds good to me. We didn't really think about what to do today anyway. It'll be nice since we'll only be here for today and we're leaving tomorrow." Gon agreed and Lilly nodded her head in excitement. She was imagining some rainbows and maybe a mountain view. Her stomach felt bubbly with happiness just thinking about it.

And so Killua packed a small hiking bag with water and a few energy bars since their little one tended to use up energy and need more pretty quickly. He swung the bag over his shoulder and they headed off on their adventure.

The walk there was very peaceful and there were birds chirping all the way. The trees were beautiful varied shades of green and some were starting to turn fall colors. They even spotted what we're called rainbow eucalyptus trees on the way but they didn't know what the trees were called.

"Stop!!" Lilly was staring at the tree in amazement "can you take a picture?"

Killua smiled and took out his phone. "Of course baby. Gon go stand next to her and I'll take a picture of you both."

Gon nodded and Killua took a couple of pictures. The trees truly were beautiful. They had streaks of green, orange, and a few other colors in the bark. Gon insisted that he take a few more pictures of Killua and Lilly by the amazing trees and after their little photo shoot the family was on their way again. In fact they were nearly there.

Once they reached the destination there were many more people there who were camping out for the weekend and it truly was a beautiful sight to see. There was a waterfall in the distance and they were standing on a slightly elevated part of the land. It looked down onto some smaller trees and a pond. There was a grassy field as the whole forest floor and a faint rainbow hovering in the sky above the waterfall.

Lilly squealed seeing the rainbow. It wasn't quite what she had imagined. Much fainter and the colors were in reverse order but it was still very pretty and the view made it seem even more pretty.

It was still early in the morning but it seemed like a wonderful place to have a picnic. It might have been nice to come back in the evening and set up a picnic or something of the sort since it was so beautiful.

They walked around after stepping down into the lower land of the place and explored the whole valley. Gon pointed to a shady spot under one of the larger trees and Killua nodded. The three sat under the tree and enjoyed the shade. It had gotten a lot warmer since the morning and it was very sunny without the large trees where their tent was towering over them.
Killua closed his eyes and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere and the distant sound of water trickling where the small waterfall was.

Suddenly he felt a mysterious presence. It wasn't quite threatening but it concerned him. Killua's eyes snapped open in time to see long black shiny hair disappearing into the forest along with a flash of green and gold clothing. Killua's heart sank into his stomach and he felt sick. He wasn't sure but he wasn't willing to risk anything.

Killua tapped on the shoulder and whispered into his ear. "We have to leave."

Gon looked at Killua in confusion and Lilly was still oblivious.

"I think I saw Illumi. It's not safe here. We need to leave and go home. It's probably better to move out of the city too but we can come to that later" Gon's eyes widened in fear. He didn't want to believe it but if Killua thought he saw Illumi then Gon didn't doubt that something was wrong. He gave a curt nod and then both men ushered Lilly out of there and they all ran back to the camping site and started packing quickly.

No one noticed it but there were a pair of dark lifeless eyes watching them from behind a tree...


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