Chapter 5

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"Gon wanna go camping?" Killua still remembered the first days of their journey from when they were just teenagers. They had camped out in a tent with few supplies and they would sip tea while watching the fire and tell each other stories. They were one of his favorite memories they'd made together.

"Sure! Ahh that brings me back to the old days. Sometimes I miss them but then we wouldn't have Lilly!" He grinned at their daughter and her eyes sparkled.

"Camping??!! I heard my fwend say she was goin camping once. I wanna go too!!" Lilly was now 6 years old and Gon and Killua figured that was old enough to go camping. The weather would be decent that weekend and they still had most of their supplies.

Gon and Killua practiced putting the tent together to make sure it worked and that they still knew how while Lilly watched in amazement. They also tested out their other supplies like the fire starting equipment and such.

"Killua we should go to the store and get some stuff cause I think we ran out of that cooking oil that works with the portable stove. Oh and I also think I lost the plug in battery thing that we plug the stove into" Gon looked up at the ceiling in thought knowing that they probably also needed to buy a few other things.

"Don't worry love. I'm sure we'll find everything we're missing once we get there" Killua smiled and Gon nodded back. Lilly was bursting with excitement. She couldn't wait to tell all her school friends after the weekend.

"If we go from Friday night to mid Sunday that's 4-6 meals depending if we eat there on Friday night and lunch on Sunday" Killua mumbled while looking at at the meat section. He was eyeing a bag of sausages because he knew how much Lilly loved them. He and Gon were hamburger people so they would get both.

Gon was in the vegetable section trying to think of a soup that they could make. It was one of the first things he'd ever made with Killua to eat when they started their journey. It was a soup with some chicken and other vegetables. He couldn't remember the vegetables so he made it up. Gon grabbed some carrots, onions, peas, and celery. He hoped it would taste good but he knew if Killua was doing to cooking, he could turn anything into something delicious.

"I got the veggies for a soup. I was thinking we could make one like that soup we made when we first left" ahhh nostalgia. It was hitting them both hard and they smiled at each other.
"I got hot dog and hamburger stuff and some chicken. I figured you might want some for that soup. I don't know why else you'd want vegetables" Killua chuckled. Gon was super picky about vegetables. They had to be cooked a certain way and it was different for every kind. His brussels sprouts had to be baked until they were slightly crunchy but not black whatsoever and needed the perfect amount of salt and pepper or he wouldn't eat them. Corn had to be steamed inside the leaves for some reason and he wouldn't eat it if it was steamed by itself. The corn also had to be left on the cob so that Gon could cut it a specific way when he ate it. The list goes on...
Gon smiled. Killua knew him so well.

"I got marshmewos! And chocolate! And graham cwackers!" Lilly was practically squealing. She'd stayed with Killua when they separated in the grocery store and he let her explore the junk food as a treat because they were going camping as a family for the first time. Eventually the two agreed on s'mores since Killua loved chocolate almost as much as he loved Gon and Lilly and because Lilly loved marshmallows. It just made sense.

"I guess we've got everything we need since we already bought the rest of the camping gear. Oh! Tea! And water to make the tea! Well we have water at home so I'll go grab tea leaves!" Gon plopped the veggies in the cart carefully and then dashed off into the drinks part of the store. He found the two types of tea that the boys drank the most often and then picked out a non caffeinated and lightly flavored tea for Lilly. He went with a strawberry flavor since she loved strawberry everything.

The family checked out and loaded up the back of their car. As Killua was about to start driving he felt something kind of weird and almost eerie but he put it off since he couldn't quite figure out what it was. He was exited to go camping again anyway. Even Gon was telling stories of their camping adventures when they were younger to Lilly and she was hanging onto his every word.
As they packed their stuff to get ready for the adventure on Friday morning since Killua didn't have to work that day. It was some holiday or something and he couldn't remember which one but it worked out perfectly.

Everything ended up fitting nicely into the trunk and when the afternoon came into swing the family was on the road. They drove for about an hour to a camping site. Gon and Killua wished they could go back to the forest that was closer to Gon's old house just for memories sake but it was still too dangerous and they didn't trust that they would be safe there. The new spot was nice too. The birds were still chirping and the spot they'd picked had a nice fresh clean look to it.
Gon and Killua both loved nature but Lilly hadn't really been around it before. The closest thing she had ever seen was a few trees and grass in their yard. "Wowww" her eyes lit up as she dragged her fingers along the bark of a huge tree. She wanted to touch everything: the dirt, grass, leaves, even the small slug she found inching along the ground. She had also found a cute lizard but when she went to pet it the lizard ran away and Lilly couldn't keep up. It had puzzled her for a bit but she soon forgot about it when she smelled hot dogs sizzling on the stove inside the tent. She went back inside with Killua right behind her to watch the food. Lilly didn't realize how hungry she was until she bit into her hotdog.

"Thabka dada!" She mumbled through the food. Gon grinned and hit into his hamburger.
This is going to be a fun trip down memory lane Killua thought to himself.
Soon after dinner everyone got ready for bed and as Gon tucked in Lilly he settled in right beside her with Killua on the other side of him. It wasn't spacey but it worked. Soon everyone was sleeping peacefully.


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