Some character info

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Heya there. It's me. Let's uh get some information about the cast of the main characters. The ones from the story before need no explanation so let's do they're kids.

First off we have Meringue. He is the oldest of Ray's kids. Being Maple's kid, he was conceived not on purpose, but by rather by a surprise from what Maple forgot about a while ago before it came to light. Because as of writing it hasn't been revealed on the other story, I can't reveal it yet. But, despite being an accident, Maple and Ray are both really proud of him. Meringue does have a bit of an ego, which he obviously got from his mother. He's around Maple's height with Ray's black hair, but Maple's cat features, meaning he is an American curl with curled ears and a fluffy tail, yet also has Maple's green eyes.

Next we have Anmitsu, followed by Caramel, which are Coconut's kittens. Both are extremely smart, but unlike Coconut, are confident in their abilities to do things and are not clumsy as their mother. Anmitsu and Caramel have Coconut's light blond hair, Caramel also having her yellow and blue eyes, but Anmitsu having one blue and the other brown. And just like his mom, can have a complex about it looking a bit strange to others. They are both Maine Coons. Caramel is a bit curious about her world, but sighs when she remembers that the world she lives in is discriminatory towards people like her.

Lastly we have the youngest, Velvet, Cinnamon's son. Perhaps he takes a bit too much from his mom as he is prone to erotic switches just as she is. Of course, Cinnamon has been scolded many times by Maple to not set a bad example for their children. Velvet is more of a mixed breed like Chocola and Vanilla and takes that from Ray, and looks a bit more like him but has Cinnamon's periwinkle colored hair.

And yes, if they had anything more from their father, they are gamers, all four of them. Now let's talk about our previous cast, or in specific, their parents. Ray seems to have matured a lot despite being only 20, in contrast to the last story where he was 17. Maybe it's from the fact he has kids now. They do say that people change after they have children. Yet he likes to drop the maturity when he isn't around his kids. Maybe Cinnamon could learn a thing or two from him.
Coconut adores her children and her nephews. Perhaps she dotes on them too much, they're just too cute in her eyes as she tends to give them more than a few treats than normal. Ever since her kids grew to the age of one, she stopped wearing her normal attire that is seen in volumes 0-3 due to a self choice made up partially by her and a suggestion by Gabriel to not look... revealing, to set a good example for her young.
Despite not changing any part of herself, Cinnamon is a great motherly figure despite a few certain things. She above all, wants to care for all of Ray's kids and as a result doesn't work often at La Soleil as much anymore to take care of those at home. Though, they don't really need taking care of, despite being so young, cats do mature fast and are more like teenagers and young adults more than little kids. It's a mix between that fluctuates that the kids think she's incredible or embarrassing to be around. As for her past, the Crystal Phantoms have since then been dissolved, a mix of choosing for the better and coming under fire from multiple police and other types of criminal cracking organizations and becoming less organized, but her posse is still loyal to her until the end despite not being called on. But with Jeane's help, he got her out so she can live a normal life without worry. What happened to Jeane? He's still alive and well, actually, better than just well I suppose.

Let's go to those that aren't mentioned above. Don works at La Soleil still but is occasionally contracted by wealthy individuals to create a masterpiece of pastries for events, resulting in him being well off. He is happily married to Azuki. Azuki likes to go to Ray's place to be around the kittens, they remind her of Coconut when she was younger, especially Caramel, which makes perfect sense since Caramel looks exactly like Coconut but smaller.
Kashou is doing great, La Soleil has been booming better than ever with the help of his friends and family. But what about Shigure? Well, she's also good but some things haven't been told yet so I'm be quiet.

Merry Christmas 2022

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