Chapter 4: "Shock and Awe"

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Ray: "Camille Brandt?!"

Camille: "Why yes Ray, it's been so long but I've finally found you."

Ray: "This doesn't make sense, why and how are you here?"

Camille: "Well it's quite simple. You know our families dabble in advances in technology and somehow mine figured out how to jump between our universe and this one. I must say I was surprised when I first saw it, it's exactly like our own, but with these nekos as they call it. When I learned that I can go back and forth, I had a plan. Take the Ray from this one and drop it into ours, but it got even stranger. You see, the Ray here already took over the company, dragging him there would be an issue but that's when I saw you. How in the world did you live after all I did?"

Ray: "All you did? What's that supposed to mean?"

Camille: "You seriously don't think that all of the car accident those years back was an car accident do you? I only wanted you hurt enough that your family would get scared off so mine could thrive but it took an unexpected turn. Ms. Didn't expect it to work like that either."

Pierre: "Car accident? Ray, what's she talking about?"

Ray: "You know how I'm not from this universe? Well the way I died was in a car accident that went fatal."

Valérie: "So you're telling us that this woman..."

Ray: "Is my killer."

Camille: "Well looks like you caught on. But my plan didn't go so smoothly as your family continued to blossom more after your death, you have a whole damn legacy named after you."

Ray: "So why come find me? I haven't done anything to you at all?"

Camille: "It's simple, I need you to go back with me, take over the company, then dissolve it all."

Ray glared at Camille when she said that. Why would he ever do something that meant so much to his family.

Ray: "What makes you think I would ever do that?"

Camille: "I thought the guns in your face was good enough but it seems not. You guys are good to shoot, injuring him is fine, but do not kill him, we need Ray at all costs. The other two can go."

Her men opens fire and the three of them take cover quickly to avoid being turned a pile of flesh.

Pierre: "We need to get out of here now!"

Ray: "No objections here. I'd prefer if you guys weren't dead too."

Valérie: "That's our out. Look, the door."

They saw that a metal door was open, perhaps running through that would result in an exist soon after. They take off trying to return shots and bolt down the hallways and slammed a metal door shut.

Camille: "Find another way, he mustn't escape this place."

Camille's men start going in different directions while a couple try to open the door.

Pierre: "This is some crazy shit that popped up."

Ray: "You're telling me..."

Valérie: "What's the plan right now? They'll find us eventually, so we gotta do something to throw them off our trail."

All of a sudden one of the attackers found them, but it isn't like before as it's a three to one. So they easily overpowered him and got his gun.

Pierre: "Well now we have an extra gun, but I doubt it has much ammunition left in it."

He takes out the clip and as expected, there's only seven left. It won't do much, but Valérie sees it in a different way.

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