Chapter 7: Mystery Fan, Mystery Cat

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Luna: "Ray-sama, thank goodness you're home! Come quickly."

Luna leads Ray to the living room where everyone else is.

Ray: "Coconut! Are you okay!?"

Coconut: "Thanks to Raphael I am, I don't think I would've made it otherwise."

Raphael: "I'm sure you gave us all a heart attack, if Maple hadn't gotten home then, you would have stayed dead."

Shigure: "Coconut, are you sure you're alright?"

Coconut: "Of course I am... but we can't stay here worrying about me, we have to go, right now."

Maple: "What happened?"

Coconut: "The kids have been kidnapped Maple Onee-chan, she's back."

Maple falls to the floor as tears start coming down her eyes, Cinnamon coming to comfort her.

Shigure: "No way... You can't be serious."

Ray: "No, we can't let this happen, come on, we have to find them right now." First Camille, now this? Everything is going to shit now.


Meringue: "Sister, where exactly are we?"

Caramel: "I don't know, why are you asking me?"

Meringue: "You literally said that we were going home."

Caramel: "Yeah but I didn't say that I knew the way there."

Meringue: "Caramel! We're lost now, great."

Velvet: "No we're not Meringue. This is the Shibuya crossing, which means we're in Shibuya."

Meringue: "Oh...If that's the case, then we went the opposite of home. How did we get here in the first place?"

Caramel and Velvet shrug in confusion.

Meringue: "Never mind, its probably best we don't go home. I'm sure those people back there would expect us to do just that. Lets just... find somewhere to set up camp for the night, then we can decide what to do tomorrow."

Caramel: "Who made you boss? Not that your plan isn't great and all."

Meringue: "Because I'm the oldest."

Caramel rolls her eyes. They traverse through the busy streets of Shibuya and decide to make do at a nearby hotel.

Velvet: "Hey, do we even have enough for this?"

Caramel: "We're finding out one way or another, everyone pile your cash."

In total, they have around 40k yen that they counted. They decided to try their luck but it seems they spent it all. This place was of such glamor that it wasn't enough but it seems that they had more stroke of lady luck's hand.

???: "You kids don't look alright. Did something happen?"

Caramel: "Oh nothing, we just don't have enough for a hotel room."

???: "You specifically remind me of someone I know, why don't you and your friends come up with me to my penthouse. You all look like you've had a rough night, not to mention, you could use that money for later."

Meringue: "I don't know...."

There are indeed risks when it comes to things like this. To run the risk of being kidnapped by some rando that you came across in the lobby. But wandering the streets while they were still actively being chased down is far more of a risk than one man. Plus, if they get on good terms with him, maybe they can stay a while to lay low. So they agree and follow this guy all the way up to the top floor.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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