A small homestuck story

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All characters in this thing are all mine. I made them and fashioned them up and crap... Homestuck

Era sighed. Was she and Polam the only ones who haven't reached God tier? That is unmotivating... Oh she needed someone to talk to. Now where is that computer...

Era wasn't one to misspell. When she does, it's in her head. Era hunted around for her computer. This secret hive was... a maze. Count on the Knight of rage to be unreliable. Perhaps Era will chat with the human beta witch.

The human beta witch. It was a small blonde hair girl. Her spelling was awful. Nevertheless, she was funny.

Era tripped on a stupid vine. "Ow...." Era checked her eye to see if the stitches came loose. That was a problem. If it did, half of her face would fall off. Era got up and went back to her adventure of disappointment and disadvantages.

The beta witch human had a temper. Probably why she's the witch of rage. Her teammates are made up of manny things..

A page of doom, it's very interesting. Rogue of mind, I've given up on talking with him.
Sylph of heart, I can almost see them as kismies.
Knight of light, she seems nice.
Era could name more but she reached the computers. Oh... The heir was talking to her.

Era has this thing about calling people by their God tier. Lear is the heir of life..

freezingRedead (FR) began trolling unsatisfactoryQuality (UQ)

FR: finALLy you rEspond.
UQ: Oh yOU knOw mE.
UQ: I AlwAYs gEt lOst In thE knIght's hIvE.
FR: kARn triEd hER bEst!
UQ: Oh I knOw. And I rEspEct thAt!
UQ: I just dIslIkE mAzEs.
UQ: ThEY mAkE mE quErY.
FR: wELL i wAs just chEcking in on my fAvoritE <>!
UQ: I'm fInE As AlwAYs!
FR: I promisE thAt i wiLL find vivRAL.
UQ: ThAnk yOU.
FR: byE!

freezingRedead (FR) ceased trolling unsatisfactoryQuality (UQ)

Vivral is the only one who might be able to explain what is going on and what will happen. Era sighed. Her and the Mage of time had gotten very close. It's good to know that her morial supported this future matespriteship,

Era noticed she was being 'pestered'

searingPain (SP) began pestering unsatisfactoryQuality (UQ)

SP: speak
SP: now
UQ: YEs sEEr?
SP: how would one go about...
SP: spicing up
SP: the one who goes by
SP: ferum?
UQ: ArE yOU sErOUIs?
SP: i can't take you seriously like that.
UQ: Alright fine.
UQ: But seriously.
UQ: Ferum.
UQ: The page of light.
SP: ughh yes
SP: I'm seriously
SP: serious
UQ: Here's a tip;
UQ: Go to our seer.

unsatisfactoryQuality (UQ ) ceased trolling searingPain (SP)

Era smiled. The beta seer of blood is amazingly and absolutely not smart. That makes her crack up.

Era thought about talking with the beta witch.

unsatisfactoryQuality (UQ) began trolling unseenRagedragon (UR)

UQ: HEllO wItch Of RAgE!
UR: Oh hello!
UQ: I wAs chEAckIng On YOU.
UQ: AnY quEstIOns?
UR: Yes. Why do you type like that?
UQ: It's mY qUrIck.
UQ: I cAptIzE All VOwEls.
UQ: I hOnstEly dOn't knOw whY.
UR: I understand.
UR: I find that interesting
UQ: YOU fInAllY spElt It rIght!

Era heard a bang.

UQ: I have to go.

unsatisfactoryQuality (UQ) ceased trolling unseenRagedragon (UR)

Era stood up and looked around. She was nervous. Era whipped out her daggers. She crept around.

Footsteps were in the distance. Era quickly hid. They got closer and Era got ready for a sneak attack.

A voice called out

"Er^! It's me! Vivr^|_!"

Era almost cried

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