Last night I had a dream that I died.
Very dark yes.
Someone bombed my school. and UGB's school. And we died.
We went to heven. And It looked A LOT like earth. AND everything was free!
I also protected everyone of my family and followers (My dreams made a random guess on what you looked like.)
Then my cats died (But juejuebee). And we saw them. And they talked!
So we lived happyliy.
Then one day in my condo. I went out to the deck and looked out. I turned around and saw my parents. We talked. But they were still alive.
I cried and hugged them but dad said "We'll see you very soon"
I knew what he meant. So I asked him "Would you die or would you live knowing your protected by 4 angels?"
But whats cool that in heven, everyone was nice. I felt like I was there my whole life. And me and my great grandma Amy. We had tea everyday.
And I could drop hints from heven to Minecraft servers and Wattpad and stuff.
would you die or would you live knowing your protected by 4 angels?