Taris: well... I gueSS I lIke thIS food I hAve here. who mADe it? |||
Sonisc: I'm guessing it might be Firh. Hes a verfffffy good cook.
Boow: I like his f>o<>o<d. He makes a g>o<>o<d pie.
Frez: |=~' Forget the pie. Who took my took my cardz?
Speeri: I ---D==On"t see a pr==Olbem.
Screos: Yea Frezsss. Your cardssss are replaceable.
Dalerm: I hid your card FrEXz!!! >:)
Cyer: shut up DEalrem.
Corile: N() use fighting. I'll just find them. Ha!
Firh: Why ~=Do you have to fight?
Lillem: The colors on THFFFLFKFIS is so weird. I LIKE THIS LIGHT RIGHT HERE! ItS PURple.
Scarbi: I'm going TO kill YOU all SOME day.