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The men that had entered the Woods right before Link were in their beds, safe and asleep, when Link returned. He sneaked by them and grabbed his blanket off of his bed, wrapping it around the Master Sword in case anyone was awake.

He crept through the hallways of the military camp and to his father's quarters. As he raised his hand to knock, the door opened, revealing his father fully dressed and strapping on his weapons. "Link." He looked up in surprise. "You usually have to be dragged out of bed. What are you doing awake?"

"I..." He had no words. "Father." He slid the blanket off of the hilt and exposed it to him.

It took Link's father a moment to identify the sword, but then his expression changed drastically. He gasped and looked at his son as if for the very first time. "Link," was all he said.

He ushered him into his quarters and locked the door. "My boy, where did you get that?"

"The forest. The other soldiers went to the Lost Woods and I followed, and--"

"You went into the Lost Woods? Link, I told you not to wander off!" His father shouted.

Link winced. "I know, but I just thought that I would disappear from the forest like everybody else. No one ever gets hurt!"

"There are monsters-"

"I can handle monsters."

"Not always, son. But that doesn't matter now. You appear unhurt that what I think it is?"

Link dropped the blanket and laid the sword across his palms. It had a blue grip and a winged guard. Anyone would recognize it from the legends. There have been countless replicas but the sword gave off an aura in Link's hands, and Link wasn't one to play such fruitless pranks.

His father breathed, "The Master Sword. Dear Hylia, I can't believe I'm seeing it. And you," he smiled at Link and grabbed his shoulders. "You are the one worthy enough to pull it out. I am so proud of you."

And he was, Link could tell, but he was also afraid. Fear for his son's life gleamed deep in his eyes, and Link could see it. He could feel it.

He knew he had to become stronger. He didn't want his father to spend the rest of his life worrying about him, about his fate. Already his mother and sister were at home, fretting over Link as he accompanied his father on all of his travels. Despite Link's incredible capabilities at his age, his mother cried in relief every time they came home.

Link knew she would be devastated to know he was destined to fight Calamity Ganon.

He hardened his grip on the blade.

"We must tell the King immediately," his father said.

They rode hard and fast to the castle. Epona, Link's horse, had been eager to run the moment they entered the stable.

His father canceled training that day, to the delight of the soldiers. They had left with no issues and the simple excuse that the King had summoned his Captain of the Royal Guard for something confidential. It was nothing out of the ordinary for his son to leave with him.

When they made it to the enormous structure in the center of the kingdom, it was high noon and Link couldn't stop gaping. He had seen the castle from afar but not yet had he been there. If his father was there it was because he was working, and Link couldn't tag along when his father was protecting the royal family.

"Come," his father said, gesturing for him to follow to the front gates.

The soldiers stationed up on the wall waved and smiled at his father. The gates parted to let them through.

Sword of Destiny [The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild]Where stories live. Discover now