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Angels pov
I see her eyes roll back before she crumbles and I launch forward and catch her. What the fuck?! I tap her face "baby?! Jennifer! Wake up!" She doesn't move her head rolling to the sides. Adelita and I just...happened. E told me to cut one of them loose. Adelita and I happened one time. Then she told me she was pregnant. The one thing I always wanted...and I got drunk missing my woman and fucked Adelita...and now I'm having what we planned together with another woman... I told Adelita about  Jennifer. Told her I'll tell her of my fuck up that well co parent. But Jennifer never came home. Wouldn't tell us where she was just that she needed more time. I don't love Adelita. I regret what I did but not my child.

I pick her up "hospital" I tell E. I get in the back with her as e drives her car. I shake her "cmon baby. Stay with us! Fuck. EZ step on it!" The car speeds up. I check her pulse and sigh feeling her heart beating. We get there and get her in and we're told to wait....and we do. It's torture. This is all my fault

Affairs of the heart|| Angel Reyes, Ezekiel reyes x ocWhere stories live. Discover now