I Don't Get It

46 4 3

Smokin fire upon the sea

Everywhere they looked was the enemy

The heathen gods of old Japan

Yeah, the thought they had the best of a mighty good man

On the coast, commanderos, lookin through this periscope

Australian niven saw the battle


"Why?" Draco interrogated; it seemed his interest in Blaise's query was as deep as mine. I honestly was going to ask the same thing, but Malfoy stated it before I could. I glanced at Zabini and the blonde boy a few times in confusion. I was sure that the shorter Slytherin boy was dumbfounded, too

"I was just pondering, bloody hell," Blaise replied, a defensive tone evident in his voice. It was clearly there that even I could hear it.

I watched whilst Blaise and Draco made eye contact for a minor second. I didn't understand the impact of the stare at that moment. However, I was sure that Malfoy did; his eyebrows raised as if a match set ablaze. His lips parted in realization before nodding and then looking back to me.

Part of me wanted to ask what in the hell that was, but the other part of me didn't even want to know; they were so secretive about it.

Ace came up behind me with a few thicker books in hand. Professor Sinistra had a small bookshelf in the back of the classroom. It looked as if it hadn't been touched in years, a collection of dust had formed over the top of most of the books.

He gave a warm and welcoming smile as he set a book in front of each of us. My brother shared a look with me as if asking me what to do next. As if I knew!

"Uhm-" I began, my hand sweeping the dust off of the cover. I'd never seen this book before. To be honest, I hadn't ever seen any of the books we use in classes; I hate books. "Well- obviously we all need to find more information...about- Corvus," I vocalized hesitantly. I wasn't used to being leaders of groups. At home, Liam did the talking, Liam did the protecting, and Liam did the leading. It was unfamiliar to me and Ace.

* * *

I trudged across the courtyard, my much heavier bag nagging at my shoulder. My brain could only take so much reading in one day; I was just glad Astronomy was my last class for the day.

Arms wrapped around me, and my feet suddenly left the ground. I yelped, my eyes going wide. I didn't like this feeling. I may like the unexpected but who in the hell was lifting me from the grass?

"Guess what?!" Liam's voice exclaimed, seeming very excited about something.

"Liam! Put me down!" I warned, my legs dangling. I wasn't even trying to get free because I knew that it wasn't even worth putting in the effort. Once the older Hufflepuff released me, I stumbled to the floor and turned towards him.

"Stoatin Merlin, Liam. What moon did you go over, eh?" I scolded, my eyebrow raising at him in curiosity.

"I was talking to my prefect friends and our petition worked!" he announced happily, his perfect smile spreading across his face. Liam had gotten braces before his third year, gotten them off before 5th year, and had a flawless smile ever since.

"Petition? For?" I pondered while also trying to fix my hair.

"Didn't ya hear? The students were trying to convince the prefects to have a secret dance without the professors knowing and we finally broke through! We were told to spread the news to all the students! This is great," Liam rambled excitedly. My face lit up with surprise and eagerness. I was ecstatic about this. I always thought dances were quite fun. The yule ball in the previous year was a magical night. I went with a boy named Dean Thomas and he was very sweet. Although, he was awfully quiet, and we'd only spoken a few times after the occasion.

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