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It's nine o'clock on a Saturday

The regular crowd shuffles in

There's an old man sittin' next to me

Makin' love to his tonic and gin

He says, "Son can you play me a memory?

I'm not really sure how it goes

But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete

When I wore a younger man's clothes"


TW! Discussion of trauma and abuse. Readers discretion is advised.

Everything was so quiet in the hospital wing; not that I wasn't used to silence. This time, it was more on the awkward spectrum and it made me anxious in a way. Ace was asleep, thankfully, and Madam Pompfrey was softly working on Maddox's shoulder who had thankfully gained colour back into his face. I still despised what he had said earlier, but I felt guilty. I had accused him of just leaving Keith behind, even though he had obviously tried his best. I still had a disliking for Madd ox, but now it was less of the sort. I could consider tolerating him after this.

I had to admit, I never thought I'd miss the smell of the hospital wing. But after spending two months in a house that smells like dust, sour cologne, and musty sadness, this was a relief.

"You okay?" Draco suddenly whispered to me, lightly taking my hand. We sat next to eachother on one of the beds. It broke the unbearable silence but neither Maddox nor Pompfrey paid us any attention.

"Considering what just happened, not really," I scoffed, lightly. I averted my eyes to my lap and just picked at my cuticles. I went quiet and stayed that way for a moment.

"What's on your mind right now, darling?" He said, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. There were so many things that I was thinking about. But there were only two things that took up the most space. I sighed and looked up into his eyes.

"Liam is gone," I muttered, averting my eyes to the empty bed in the corner where Liam laid three months ago. I hadn't been in the Hospital Wing since my parents were here and I never found the courage to.

"They couldn't exactly keep him in here forever, though. I know it's hard." It sounded like Draco was going to keep talking, but he didn't. As if he was unsure of what else to say. After all, what he did say was enough. It pulled at my heartstrings painfully that he said that. In the end, he was right.

"I know...and I thought it set in. Especially with the time at home. But coming back here, brought-" I paused, my breath wavering with emotion. I hated talking about my feelings and...trauma. It made me feel weak and uncomfortable. "-brought it all back." Draco didn't reply for a while. Instead, he reached over and took my hand in his. It was probably to get me to stop picking at my skin. I'd been doing it a lot lately, causing my cuticles to be pretty much destroyed.

"Alright, then. Those bandages should suffice. And the medicine should kick in. Now, Mr. Stone. Please get some rest," Madam Pompfrey suddenly said. Maddox just nodded in response. I noticed he hadn't said much since we got here and part of me wondered why. The nurse then made her way over to us.

"Ms. Smedley, are you injured? Is there anything I can do, or do you just need to sleep?" She queried, her voice soft and kind as always.

"I just need rest, I'm not hurt," I lied, nodding. Draco agreed while standing. My ankle was still hurting like no other because the multiple times I had rolled it. I couldn't tell if it was broken or just sprained.

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