Finn (A Jack and Finn Harries FanFic)

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Chapter One_

"Goodbye Mum! I'll miss you!" I said blinking my eyes to keep tears from rolling out of my eyes

"I love you my dear, have a great time in England and make lots of new friends." She said with a smile.

I hugged her one last time and turned hearing my flight number.

As I boarded the plane, I looked for my seat. "Ohmigod, why can I never find these dumb seat numbers?" I thought to myself. I must have looked pretty awkward because a guy about my age sitting where I was standing said "Need any help?" And chuckled. "No mind your own business!" I muttered, but louder said "Umm sure, I'm seat #307."

"Oh right next to me then." He said and flashed a smile.

Joyyyyyy, now I'm gonna be sitting with one of those "I'm-so-hot" boys for the next billion hours. I know my attitude sucked, but I was nervous about going to England, it's not everyday that you get accepted to go to a foreign college. I decided I should probably be nice to the guy, he may end up being like a reporter or something and talk about how rude Americans are.

"Well hello there," I said flashing a cheery smile, "it's nice to meet you, I'm Jessica! Jessica Lynn"  

"Oh it's nice to meet you too, I'm Finn. Finn Harries." And flashed me a cheeky grin.

Oh god he was cute...he had brown hair that stood up, but was brushed to the side in a cute way and his eyes were beautiful. They were so blue and his whole face looked really soft. His Britsih accent automatically gave him bonus points.

Finn.... Jessica and Finn, Finn and Jessica. OOO that sounds pretty good, I thought.

"Ummm Jessica?" Finn said, snapping me awkwardly back to reality. 

"Sorry, I was ummm-errrr-yaaa know..." And trailed off.  

Finn laughed, "it's fine," he chuckled, " I get that a lot."

What was he talking about? Most girls are poised enough to not be flabbergasted of cute British boy except for me of course.

"Well where are you from?" " I'm from LA, what about you?" "I'm actually from London, I was here for a YouTube festival thingy."

Ohhh so he's a YouTuber, ok I can work with that, I thought. We continued to talk and I found out a lot about him. He was into graphic design and had a little brother and little sister. He found things out about me to and the entire time we laughed and talked. I had never had so much fun on a plane before.

"Please fashion you seatbeats we will be landing shortly."

"Oh that was so fast!" Finn saying exactly what I was thinking. 

"Ugggg I know! That was the most fun I'VE EVER HAD on a plane." I replied 

Laughing again, Finn said, "I know, I don't usually talk to people, but you looked like you needed a bit of help." He smirked. 

"Haha well thank you!!" I said and started to get out of my seat, "wait, well I can help you get your stuff and everything if you want? Cause I know the area.." Finn said trailing off 

"Yes!! Oh gosh that would be amazing!!"

Finn and I finally got all of our stuff and were waiting outside when a taxi pulled up ready to take me to my new apartment.

"Thank you so much Finn! This was great, maybe I'll see you around?" 

"Yes of course, here what's your number? We could meet up, go to lunch or something, I mean it's not to know a familiar face.


Trying to keep my cool I gave it to him and grinned again, "Thanks Finn, I'll see you soon then!" 

"Yeah, bye Jessica!!" He smiled and then at minute pulled me into a hug.

He smelled like shampoo and cologne. I felt his warm breath on my neck and he nuzzled his face into my scarf. I never ever wanted to let go of this adorable British boy.  

"See you soon love, " As he opened the car door for me.

I got in and said hello to the driver and he started up the car.

Finn was looking right at me and smiling. I waved and as we started to pull away he flashed a "call me" sign and winked. I giggled and nodded.

*Sigh* England was already looking up to be pretty good.

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