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"Yoi, yoi! One more, Kian. Okay, wait, keep that pose... okay! Perfect!" Darri, a famous photographer, exclaimed as he took shots of his favorite model.

Praises flooded as Kian showed off his well-toned body and exquisite angles. It's been five years since he worked with SweetTooth Mag., which is the reason his career escalated in different countries because the brand was distributed internationally. Kian glanced at the huge wall clock on his right and it's already 20 minutes pass six, they've been at the studio for two hours and twenty minutes already.

"Okay, okay. Last shot! Kian has a shoot at seven." Art, Kian's manager, called out as he looked at his tablet for Kian's schedule.

"Hai-hai!" Darri said with a smile and took a few more shots before ending the shoot.


Kian sat on the sofa at the dressing room after getting changed, waiting for Art who went to start the car. He then got his phone out to check the updates on his social media accounts. As usual, he still receives thirst messages from strangers. It doesn't bother him though since he can just ignore them. It wasn't like their messages could crawl to him.

A while later, the door opened and Kian turned to see if it was Art.

"Kian...? Hi." A man in his thirties greeted as he locked eyes with Kian.

"Sir Sebby, I need to go to the bathroom." The young man with him said as he signaled his approval.

The newcomer went in and closed the door before sitting beside Kian who was now busy looking at his phone, trying to ignore the man.

"Long time no see, Kian. I didn't expect you to accept Caelum's story." Sebastian started, referring to the author of AoN.

Sebastian Pears, a famous BL author. A lot of his works have had drama adaptations which made him quite famous in the BL industry. It's also known how he'd been sending Art numerous casting requests to get Kian in one of his projects. However, it was denied every single time.

"So... I heard your partner's cute. How about you star on my upcoming series, hm?" Sebastian said in a soft voice as he eyed on Kian's body.

Kian flinched when the latter placed his hand on his lap. That mere touch made Kian feel uncomfortable. Kian have been declining his offer since Sebastian showed unwanted interest on him. Not only did the author's gaze bother him but the fact that a friend of Kian's had a bad experience with him makes his blood boil.

"You didn't tell me you liked younger boys." Sebastian whispered as Kian felt shivers.

Since the news that Kian accepted Zin's role for AoN, a lot of people like Sebastian slowly made their move. People who thought that just because he's in a BL series meant that he's gay or that he's now into men.

"I... don't swing that way. Fuck off if you don't want me to break that fake nose of yours." Kian hissed as he glared at the latter.

"Wh-what!? How dare y—"

"Kian, let's go! You rea—what the? What are YOU doing here? Can't you see someone was still using this room? Kian, let's go." Art stated as he glared daggers at Sebastian.

"Kian! We're not done yet!" Sebastian called out as Kian and Art were leaving but none wasted to even look back.


"Fuck!" Kian cursed as soon as they got in the van.

"What did he do this time?" Art asked as he started the engine.

"Same dumb shit as everyone. Hey tell me, was it a bad decision that I joined AoN?" Kian asked as Art looked at him through the rear view mirror.

"Well... money wise, it's a great choice." Art answered as Kian glared at him.

FAN SERVICE: KIAN and ZERO|ZeeNunew|ENGLISH| [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now