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"Hi guys!!!" Five boys greeted at the camera with a smile on their faces.

"We're at the dorm right now and later, the official trailer for All or Nothing will be aired!!!" Stan announced with excitement and squeezed the pillow in his hand.

The boys planned on watching the official trailer and have a live broadcast at the same time for the fans to see their raw and real reaction. Though a few fans were only watching, the boys still wanted to go with this plan to make the fans feel like they were all watching together. In the middle of the sofa sat Zero, with Alexis and Jacob sitting on his left and Stan and Uno on his right.

"Five minutes more." Uno said as he checked the time on the tablet he had and continued reading the comments, around 2k viewers watching.

"Waaah! The excitement is killing me!" Alexis shrieked as he tugged on Jacob's sweated, shaking the latter hard.

"A-ah! You're gonna kill me!" Jacob complained making the young ones laugh and chuckle.

"Zero! Any comments about the official trailer of All or Nothing?" Stan asked with a grin and eyes filled with vigor, using the remote to imitated a microphone and reaching it out on Zero's mouth.

"Uhm... I'm nervous." Zero answered, hands actually sweating at the moment.

Then, a staff signaled them causing them to look up front, on the tv. They were logged into Twin Ent.'s YT channel and the countdown finally began.

"10, 09, 08, 07, 06... 03... 01..."

Silence filled the room as Zero hugged his pillow tight, still unable to believe that their work is finally stepping out into the light.

"Oooohhh." The boys commented as they say Zero in a police uniform, accompanied with a unique violin playing in the intro.

"Ohh~ Kian looks cool." Jacob commented.

"Ey, Eris!" Alexis called out.

"Hey it's Phi Vin!" Uno pointed out.

"Ah! Joshie!" Stan exclaimed.

The boys were all excited seeing the familiar faces on screen. Jacob is actually well acquainted with Kian since they worked in an advertisement project in the past. Alexis and Eris, on the other hand, went to the same academy years ago. Stan and Josh are actually active hosts at the music show while Uno got to meet Vin when Ther asked him to accompany him at a cosplay event.

"Aaahhh! Zero!!!" Stan suddenly shrieked as Zero flashed on the screen and was fighting against five men.

"Eeeeyyy!!!" They cheered as Zero got his pillow and hid his face in embarrassment.

"No!!!" Alexis exclaimed as they saw Eli getting shot on his lap.

"Josh to the rescue!" Stan shouted as Eron came rushing in.

Then, silence once again filled the room as Lex, Eris, was shown. Lex is the antagonist of the story and they can't help but adore his visuals on the huge screen. Eris really looked perfect with his tan skin and strong facial features. The boys stared in amazement and focus as Vin's character, Luca, came in contact with the protagonist. The tension is truly intense.

Zero can't even think how they were able to do all this. The castings had a lot of issues and some even almost backed out. Thankfully, even in the midst of issues and internal problems, the original casts stayed and this trailer is evidence of their hard work.

"Wow..." Jacob commented, eyes glued at the tv even after the trailer ended.

Zero looked at his Phi's and noticed they had the same reactions, they were all looking blankly at the tv. He can't help but feel nervous since none of them were talking nor moving, even Uno.

FAN SERVICE: KIAN and ZERO|ZeeNunew|ENGLISH| [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now