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"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Kian panicked as he got a hold of Zero's flushed face.

"H-Hia..." Zero moaned as he leaned in for another kiss.

Kian couldn't even move. He's too dumbfounded to even push the latter away. Zero sucked and licked his mouth relentlessly making him loose breathe and loose his mind.

A sudden ring came from the side of the bed pulling Kian back to reality. Kian pushed Zero so hard that it made him lay on the bed.

"Zero!" A voice called out on the other line as soon as Kian answered the call.

It's when he noticed that the phone belonged to Zero, a familiar name on the screen. "THER".

"This is Kian." Kian introduced as he heard a gasp.

"Ph-phi, where's Zero?" Ther asked hesitantly.

Kian turned to look at Zero who laid on the bed, moaning and repeating how hot he felt.

"He's acting weird. His body's hot and..." Kian couldn't find the words to even describe Zero's aroused appearance.

"Oh no." Ther mumbled as Kian raised his brow.

"What the hell happened?" Kian hissed as the latter took a deep breath.

Turned out that the group ate oysters last night and had some left overs. Because Zero was in a rush, he ate the left overs with rice before leaving not knowing it's Jacob's food, mixed with ginseng. Adding to the food he ate, Zero also grabbed the wrong tumbler that contained juice and vodka that Ther, Stan, and Uno were experimenting on.

"So not only did he eat that shit, he also drank vodka?" Kian repeated as he massaged his temple.

"Y-yes phi. Zero has very low alcohol tolerance and I was worried he might do something... can you please take care of him?" Ther asked, eyes shut at the almost impossible request.

"Send me the dorm's address. I'll take him there." Kian said coldly as his eyes shifted on Zero squirming.

"Y-you can't phi! If the managers find out that he got drunk, they'll know we've been stashing vodka at the dorm. If that happens, not only they will be scolded, my brother would kill me! I'll be on my way to take him to my place. Please don't tell my brother about this. I'll be meeting with coach Dan for a while and head straight to get Zero. Please phi. Thank you!" Ther ended the call before Kian could even decline his request.

"Ugh, fuck!" Kian cursed out as he threw the phone to the side.

Ther definitely grew to be a stubborn kid. Not only getting involved with TenUp but now asking Kian to do favors for him. If only Kian didn't care about that child, he would never do this in the first place.

"Hia..." Zero's voice made Kian look at him before letting out a sigh.

Kian looked at him shirtless and couldn't help but think weirdly. Shaking his head to get rid of the lewd scenes in his mind, Kian reached out for his shirt and wore it. He stood up to get Zero's shirt to make him wear it but Zero kept pushing him away, still complaining how hot he felt. Kian decided to get the blanket and covered Zero's body with it.

"Hia, it's hot! Take this off!" Zero complained once again and slowly removed the blanket covering his body.

Kian couldn't take it; his patience is at its limit. He then leaned to Zero and pulled the blanket, wrapping it back on his body.

"Take that off and I'll parade your naked body on the corridor." Kian threatened as the young actor panicked.

"Y-you're mean!" Zero blurted out as Kian held his laughter.

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