Ring of Gluttony & Rank!!!

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"It's time for you to get your ranks," Kalego announced, "so, get in line," at the sound of his words, the students immediately began forming a line.

Meanwhile, Izuku decided to go last in case something absurd happened once again.

'You really know how your luck work's huh," Nana chuckled.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Izuku. I hope to see you around," Kumara said, turning towards Sullivan, "I have some important things to discuss with you if you don't mind."

"Of course not, Kumara," Sullivan said, "Opera, take these lovely ladies to my office. I'll be there in a bit. Izuku-kun, Grandpa has some work to do, so he'll see you later. Bye!"

"Bye! See you back at home!" Izuku said and noticed Ameri approaching him.

"I must also take my leave now," Ameri said. Then she moved a little closer to him and whispered in his ear, "meet me after school tomorrow, I need a favor from you."

Izuku didn't know what Ameri could possibly want from him but he wasn't going to deny her request anyway so he agreed to meet her tomorrow.

Then, as soon as Ameri left, Izuku winced when suddenly a wave of pain surged through his body as he was tackled to the ground.

"Clara, what are you doing? Get off him," Eiko yelled and pulled Clara away from Izuku's body.

And when Clara noticed him wincing in pain, she panicked and started creating medical supplies with her bloodline ability.

"It's ok Clara, I am fine. It's just my body is a little sore," Izuku said.

"Really?" Clara asked with a concerned face.

"Yep, don't worry about me," Izuku said with a reassuring smile.

"Well, now we really know that you were holding back, during our brawl," Alice said with narrowed eyes.

"To be fair, you were doing the same," Izuku argued back.

"Fine," Alice sighed, "but next time we fight, I don't want you to hold back."

"Sure buddy," Izuku agreed with a strained smile as he really wasn't sure if Alice can tank 100% percent punch or not.

After his little conversation with his friends, he started getting flocked up by the other members of the Misfit Class.

"Dude, that was so cool," Shax said.

"Yeah, seriously," Jazz chimed in, "If I had known you were such a badass fighter, I would've put all my chips on you, man."

"Izuku-dono, I would like to spar with you someday. It would be a great opportunity for us to test each other's strengths and improve," Garp said.

"That was really impressive, you almost managed to woo me you know," Elizabetta said with a teasing grin.

Then before Izuku could respond to them their homeroom teacher called them out, "hey brats, stop goofing around. You lot are the only ones left right now."

Truly enough, only the misfit Class and Kalego were left in the gym right now. So without any delay, they all formed a single line in front of an oddly smug-looking three-eyed owl and started receiving rank badges from his stomach pouch.

For now,  the class was divided into three ranks.

The first group was comprised of students who had earned the ALEPH (1st) rank, including Caim, Agares, Garp, Elizabetta, Allocer, and Shax.

Next was a group that had earned the BET (2nd) rank, consisting of Crocell, Sabnock, Eiko, and a platinum-haired individual whom Izuku was trying to keep in sight but was struggling to do so.

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