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~ smut haha


The last person to enter the Betas' room was the Lead Alpha himself, the only reason in recognizing his figure being the moonlight coming from the open windows. No way would any of the members feel comfortable having this discussion at daylight when any of the crew could easily listen in. This was meant for the Pack's ears only.

Everyone was gathered on the mattress in the center of the room that faced the windows, a spot in the middle of the headboard saved for their leader. The group whispered an agreed meeting time throughout the dinner at the Cultural Center and Jimin doesn't know who created it, but all the more glad that the members have agreed to be in the same space to air out everything. Or maybe just an inkling of what has been troubling the dynamics of the Pack. Not one member dared to break the silence of the night since Hoseok snuck into the room to join the Omegas and Betas in the assigned room near one in the morning. It didn't take long before Jungkook and Yoongi were able to make their way inside as well.

Jin shuffles a few centimeters away from Namjoon to allow room for Yoongi to crawl to his spot, the members instinctually making a pow-wow circle. With Yoongi at the head, the Betas are to his left with Hoseok and Taehyung trying not to fall off the edge of the bed. Hoseok had his arms tightly wrapped around Taehyung's waist where the Omega sat on his Alpha's crossed legs. Then, there are the last two members including Jimin himself, who was the closest to the Lead Alpha. Though Jungkook didn't pull Jimin onto his lap, the Alpha's knee kissed Jimin's own in the dim-lit room.

Yoongi clears his throat, an action not needed as everyone's attention is already gravitated toward him. Whether they would like to believe that Yoongi should step down, their actions speak louder as they all wait for Yoongi to speak first.

"First of all, thanks for all meeting here," Yoongi's voice spoke as loud as he felt comfortable in the secrecy. To be honest, Jimin feels sick at the formal way his Hyung speaks, but focuses on Yoongi's words. "I know that we haven't been...communicating with each other well these past few days. And I will be the first to apologize in my own fault in that." Low mumbles of agreement pass through the others' mouths and Jimin felt a bit of the tension leave at the consensus.

But he also felt a bit of sympathy because this whole meeting is not easy to have, especially not in leading in it.

Sighing, Yoongi scans over the circle, wincing a little when he passes over the strobe of moonlight reaching into the room. "To be honest, I'm a little in the dark as well." He shakes his head, giving a moment for his words to form. "Sejin has barely said anything to me and Bang-PD-nim was all the more useless in asking."

"Agreed," Namjoon huffed to the group's surprise. That guilty look that Jimin witnessed earlier making sense. The Beta looks up from the crumpled sheets he had been toying with his fingers. "All we ever get is 'to trust' or 'it's not a problem just yet.' I'm guessing Sejin hasn't let up on that?" Namjoon looks toward Yoongi for a response.

"Same old, same old."

A wave of fear settles deep into Jimin's chest at the admittance of knowing nothing of what is currently happening in the group. God, it was worse than he thought.

"So," Hoseok began, "you haven't been neglecting us? It's been the company?"

"If you want to put it that way, yeah." Yoongi crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"They know something, but not telling us and all we do is follow their orders."

"Jungkook has a point," Hoseok agrees, the two sharing a glance at each other in respect. "Being forced into separate vans did not serve us well today. Yes, people make mistakes or think they are doing the right thing for the safety of us, but I haven't liked any of their decisions since coming here." Taehyung snuggles up under his Alpha's chin at the admission, making his own opinion known.

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