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Hello! I am back!!!!!

Before I talk about the story, just want to say thank you to all of those who have reached out, commented, and have waited for this next chapter. I truly don't deserve you guys, so I am very grateful that my story as reached so many. And I finally written a new chapter that I am happy to share with you guys. So, update! Also, I do have other stories in the works that should be ready to be posted by the end of this story/the end of this year! And I am confident in saying that I am in a much better place.

I have settled back into my parent's, have a full time job and am having as much fun and down time as I can, so no worries!

Now, for the story, I promised that this story is going to get darker and so please take care of yourselves and heed the warnings in the next few chapters! (this one is tamer, don't worry)

Anyways, please enjoy! (And sorry for rambling haha)

Quick Warnings:

-heat sex (obviously ;) )

-behavior from past abuse


Control. Remember control...

That's the first thing Jungkook tries to remind himself of when his eyes flutter open the next morning and that delicious honey scent encompasses the air around him. The body curled up against him is burning up and Jungkook knows that whenever the Omega wakes up, it's show time.

At the smallest of whines, Jungkook strengthens the embrace until the cutest button nose is lodged into the crook of his neck, allowing his scent to dispel more calming pheromones. Having the scent of amber right under his nose lets the Omega settle back into his sleep for a little longer, evening out his breath.

Serenity is a new feeling that Jungkook could never claim as an actual experience he's had, but Jimin introduced it to him. To take a moment and enjoy a morning without anticipating the possible doom of a day or a constant anger that he had instilled in himself. Instead, here he is. His lips pull to make a smile and that completeness of holding someone that means so much to him is another level of bliss. A refreshing breath of fresh air.

His lips trace the Omega's cheek past the temple until his lips press into the clammy skin above Jimin's eyebrow. Despite the saltiness on his lips from the sweat shining on Jimin's forehead, Jungkook smiles.

He's ready. To be Jimin's Alpha and someone to lean on.

The plan was to have another reassuring lecture from Jin before Jimin wakes up, but he decides that the talk is not needed. He supposes that he would rather figure it out as it comes. Yes, it's daunting to think about all that could go wrong and perhaps the Alpha is tired. Tired of letting that worry and doubt have control over what makes his days weightless and carefree.

Yeah, he's ready.

He blinks his eyes a few times until the sun stops stinging his eyes, only to be distracted once again by the light as it bounces off cellophane inches away from the doorframe across the foot of the bed. Jungkook's eyes begin to focus and his lungs spasm with the want to laugh. He must appreciate the care package for what it is. That doesn't mean that the conspicuous spot of the package of condoms in the front of the basket doesn't give him amusement.

The Game: Round 2Where stories live. Discover now