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—Jisoo «POV»

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Jisoo «POV»

"I love you Jisoo. You and I will be together forever. Please marry me and be mine forever. Please marry me, let us give our baby the best life by being together."

" you are not mad I'm pregnant? You aren't mad I forgot the pill? Your dad is going to kill you. He does not even like me."

"No, I am not mad. It was destiny Jisoo. destiny wants us to be together. Also my dad can not intervine! I am old enough to make my own decisions and that means being with you. "

I quickly rose up from bed sweat forming from my forehead. I keep having flashbacks of my relationship with Taehyung.

I can't help but to keep tossing and turning in bed not being able to sleep. Not even having my little baby next to me is helping me keep calm. I check my phone and see that it was now three in the morning.

"I feel sick again."

I whisper to myself quickly getting up from the bed to go to the restroom making sure nothing would come out of my system in bed. Making my way there I puke everything out.

I lay hovered over the toilet with knees on the floor. Once I vomited everything out and cleaned up I feel my eyes get blurry from my tiredness and once I know it I am laying on the floor.

It was now that I hated my life more than ever. I could not even get through the days without thinking about the past, and the future I thought I would always have him around.

When we got married he promised to stay by my side. When we conceived for the first time he promised that he loved me. That we would live happily as a family.

Oh how he broke that promise. All he ever cared about was being there for Jun and how he would need a dad. He never once thought about how I would take it. Taehyung I am hurting. I miss you so damn much.

Our relationship had its up and downs but not enough to end our marriage. Just remembering the arguments we would have while Jun was asleep after his dad would come around.

His dad had some issues with me. He thought I trapped Taehyung into marriage since I was at the time a rookie in his company and after the announcement of my pregnancy and wedding I started skyrocketing as a model.

I was all over the news and was getting brand deals left and right. I felt so uncomfortable at that time especially with Taehyung's dad that believed such nonsense about me. Unlike some girls in the model industry I fell in love hard with Taehyung, you could say at first sight. Everything I felt for him and still feel was very real and still is.

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