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Jisoo's POV

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Jisoo's POV

"Jun?" It is now nine at night and I have been worried for the past hour on how Jun is taking his dad's bail out. I was not doing great either and I know Jun's pain must be worst. He is too young to experience such things. I have decided that I need to check up on him. So I proceed to speak up from the door.

"Jun are you okay?"

No response came from the room.

"Are you asleep?"

I once again tried to get him to speak. I could not let him suffer himself in disappointment.


No sound comes out again making me frown knowing that he must be really upset than I expected him to be. But hope comes back as he finally speaks through calming me down a bit after I say, "I really wanted to eat this happy meal with you but I guess I will just throw it aw..." He stops me from finishing my line by opening the door and saying, "Happy Meal? Grandpa said those were bad for us Kim's that it made us super unhealthy."

He says in a very low voice. I smile walking into his room with the food I had gotten him thanks to the chauffeur that worked for them. I also had ask for a few more things but that's for later. I don't want to think about it either.

"My baby. You need to eat every meal of the day. Just cause you are not feeling well you should not neglect your hunger. Now eat your dinner. It may not be healthy like we use to but it's a treat to make you smile like the smiley face on the box. See"

I sit on his left side of the bed and gently caress his soft curly hair. I then point at his box's smile. Jun couldn't help but smile even with tears in his eyes. His puffed up eyes were glistening as he looks at me.

"See that's my little baby! Smiley and all. Now eat your chicken nuggets and play with the toy later ok?"

Jun nods and digs into his box to find his food. I could not help but smile so brightly. 

"Ma you already ate?" He asks concerned for me. I shake my head.

"ba–but you sa–said it i–is improthen to eath your mealths. Wa–wait here ma."

He gets up and leaves me waiting.

« Taehyung's POV »

"So Jisoo is your wife?"

Jennie asks from across the restaurant table probably confused on who this Jisoo was that I had mentioned in the morning. I bite my lip feeling very nervous. I just want to get everything cleared and leave everything behind.

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