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—«Jisoo's POV»

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«Jisoo's POV»

"So Jun is going to be with Taehyung all week?" Chaeyoung says to me while I peel the tangerine she had handed me when I got to her house.

"Yeah...the therapist said that Jun should spend more time with him. So I am being a good co-parent and I am letting him take Jun to jeju before school starts up again." I say and I pop a tangerine slice into my mouth. It was so good exactly what I be craving, anything sweet called my name.

"Shocking to hear that you are actually listening to your therapist for once. More shocking that Taehyung agreed to all these terms. when we all know he agreed with his torture of a father that therapy was not necessary. Seems like he's trying to be better. How did it go with telling Jun about your separation?" Chaeyoung asks me as she looks in the fridge for something. It had been three days since telling Jun about our split and to be honest things could have been worst. Everything was slowly getting back together.

"Well you know Jun was not going to take it easy. He started blaming himself and then he told me that he knew his grandpa has something to do with it. Now he is doing better he listens to me and he's not really mad at me but with Taehyung it is a little harder because Jun sees him the least since he doesn't live with us." I say and Chaeyoung starts moving to the kitchen sink to clean the produce she needed to start her cooking.

"I am glad Jun is not holding grudges against you.You should not worry about Taehyung too. He deserves it, he ruined everything in the family. Now stop being so sad and step back today that Chef Park Chaeyoung will be cooking for her pregnant bestie today." Chaeyoung says as she pulls out her spatula and points it towards me. I start to chuckle at the way she is acting like she getting ready to compete on hell's kitchen.

"I love you!" I say smiling very brightly as the laughs came out as well. Chaeyoung could not help but chuckle as well as she pulls everything she needed from the grocery bags I had brought over on my way here.

"I will be making you my specialty!" Chaeyoung says and I start to wonder what it is. Everything Chaeyoung makes is always so good. The baby seems to love her cooking as every time Chaeyoung brings me food I always clear the plate and I would start craving it later in the night. Now Chaeyoung everytime she brings me food she brings extra so I don't fight the cravings at night.

"What will Chef Park be making tonight for her number one fan!" I ask very excited to eat.

"Jajangmyeon!"  She says making me so much more excited for it. I rarely had good food since the divorce and thanks to my friend things have different in my fourth month into my pregnancy. Still sitting by the kitchen table and I keep my full attention on Chaeyoung finishing cooking her Jajangmyeon masterpiece. It smells so good in her house.

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