"Chapter «1» : New year, who's this?"

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London's King Cross station is busy on the most relaxed of days, and today is definitely not a relaxed day. The train station is like a hornet's nest, buzzing with frantic and angry passengers. The air vibrates with shouting and the thumping of footsteps and suitcase wheels. To top it all off, every few minutes a train will pull out of the station, its whistle blowing like a demented bird.

Techno is thankful for his height, otherwise he's sure he would've been run over by now. Even so, he struggles to get through the crowd, barely managing to keep his footing after a harried-looking family shoves past him. He glares after them, muttering a "bruh" under his breath, and continues onward.

Finally, after what seems like hours, he reaches platforms 9 and 10. He checks his watch. 15 minutes before the train leaves. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looks over his shoulder, and once he's sure no one is watching, he grabs the handles of his trolley (only 5 years and he's already using British terminology. He blames Wilbur, of course) and runs straight at the wall between the two platforms.

If any regular person tried this, they'd crash straight into the bricks and give themselves a bloody nose and possibly a concussion. Techno, being the not-normal person he is, passes straight through the wall. When he emerges, he's greeted with a scene much like the one on the other side of the bricks, except it's mostly people his age, sporting carts just like his, some even carrying owls in cages. A couple adults are here as well, saying tearful goodbyes to their children as they prepare to board the train.

Said train is, of course, the Hogwarts Express. A large red steam locomotive, it looks like any other train, except for the large crest on its side, and the fact that it runs on magic, not that you'd be able to tell just by looking at it. Techno takes a moment to admire it. He's not a train guy or anything, but he can appreciate anything painted the color of blood.

After a few moments, Techno wheels his trolley closer to one of the open doors and unloads his luggage. There's not much, just two suitcases packed with everything he needs. He manages to carry everything into the train, where he shoves it all into a luggage compartment. Now, time to find a seat.

The first few compartments he passes are full of people he doesn't know, which is fine by Techno. He isn't looking for an empty compartment so much as for a familiar brunette who always saves him a seat. He finds said brunette in the 10th or so compartment, sitting with 3 chaos demons otherwise known as the Benchtrio.

"Oh hey, Techno," Wilbur greets, leaning over to push the compartment door open a little wider. His round glasses are slightly crooked on his nose, and he's already dressed in his robes, with his Ravenclaw tie tucked neatly into his shirt.

"Ayy, it's the Blade!" Tommy grins, his braces glinting. "How are you, Blade?"

"I'd be better if I didn't have to sit with 3 gremlins," Techno deadpans, but he gets comfortable next to Wilbur anyway, because they've sat next to each other since their first year, and there's no way he's ending the tradition.

"Hey," Ranboo protests. "I'm only half a gremlin." His black cat Enderchest meows, as if in agreement with her owner.

"Nuh-uh," Tubbo chirps, hooking his arm with Ranboo's. "If I'm a gremlin, you have to be one too!"

"Why did I agree to marry you?" Ranboo sighs.

"So, Techno, how has your day been?" Wilbur asks in a flirty voice, interrupting the trio's conversation.

"This isn't a date, Wilbur," Techno replies, rolling his eyes. Sometimes he wonders how he got stuck with such an idiot for a best friend. Still, though, he can't say that Wilbur isn't like a brother to him. And brothers are supposed to think of each other as idiots, so it's probably normal, right?

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