"Chapter «7»:Dream in a skirt, what will he do

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Dream wakes up on Saturday feeling extremely excited. He quickly leaps out of bed, apologizing to Patches for disrupting her sleep, and gets dressed in record time, putting on a green hoodie and jeans. He runs a brush through his hair before starting to the door. Today is going to be his first ever visit to Hogsmeade, the wizarding town near Hogwarts, and he doesn’t want to be late.

Before he can leave the dorm, though, a groggy voice calls out from behind him. “What are you doing?”

Dream turns to face Punz. The older blonde has rolled over on his bed and is staring at Dream with tired eyes.

“I’m going down to breakfast,” Dream explains.

“It’s 7 am,” Purpled grunts from the other bed.

“I don’t want to be late for Hogsmeade day.”

Just like that, Purpled leaps out of his bed. “Wait, it’s Hogsmeade day?”

“Yeah, it is!”

“Oh, hell yeah!” Purpled cheers. The 3rd year throws on his clothes even faster than Dream and sprints out the door.

Dream laughs and turns back towards Punz. “You coming, Punzie?”

Punz groans and closes his eyes. “5 more minutes.”

“Suit yourself!” Dream says, shrugging. He waves goodbye to his brother (he’s not sure when he started thinking of Punz and Purpled as brothers. Maybe after all the late nights spent joking and teasing each other. His roomates just have such brotherly vibes, what with their constant arguing, and he’s always wanted siblings. Well, he has them now) and heads out the door.

Down in the Great Hall, he finds his friends sitting at a table and goes to join them. They all greet him cheerfully, except for George, who looks like he’s about to fall asleep.

“Hi, guys,” Dream says, smiling. “George, are you okay?”

“No,” George grumbles. “Tired.”

“He doesn’t do well with mornings,” Karl explains, patting George’s arm sympathetically.

“Funny, I’d think you get enough sleep to wake up early,” Dream jokes, referencing George’s tendency to sleep for long periods of time during the day.

“Shut up.”

“Aside from that,” Sapnap interrupts, “are you excited for Hogsmeade, Dream?”

“Very,” Dream chirps, helping himself to a muffin. “I’ve never been before. What’s it like? What shops are there?”

“Many shops, my friend, many shops,” Sapnap says, grinning. “There’s Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop, there’s Zonko’s joke shop…”

“Honeydukes,” Quackity chimes in. “Oh, man, Honeydukes has got the best sweets. We need to go there.”

“Oh, we should go to Madam Rosmerta’s inn as well, so Dream can try butterbeer!” Karl exclaims.

“Butterbeer? What’s that?” Dream asks curiously.

A dreamy expression crosses Sapnap’s face. “Let’s just say, you haven’t lived until you’ve tried Butterbeer.”

“It’s amazing,” Karl says.

“The best drink out there,” Quackity agrees.

Dream giggles. “Sounds good.” He finishes his muffin and wipes his fingers on a napkin. Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity finish their food as well, while George drains his cup of coffee and sits up, looking slightly more awake.

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