"Chapter «8»:Dream in a skirt pt. 2

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On Monday morning, Dream decides to wear his new skirt. Since Hogwarts’s dress code only requires students to wear their ties and robes or some other part of the standard uniform on school days, he’s sure that the skirt won’t be a violation. The girls wore them all the time, after all. So he puts on the skirt, along with a collared white shirt and, of course, his tie.

Down at breakfast, all his friends compliment him on his outfit. The food on the table today consists of pieces of fruit and rolls, all of which are pretty aerodynamic. So, of course, a food fight ends up breaking out between Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, and George. Dream simply sits on the sidelines and watches, not wanting to get his skirt dirty. He does purposefully spill a bit of coffee on George’s robes to annoy the Ravenclaw, but other than that, he just eats his food and observes.

After that is class, the first one being History of Magic. Dream manages to arrive a couple minutes early, when there’s no one inside the classroom except Professor Eret. He’s standing in front of the blackboard, writing down today’s lesson in white chalk.

“Hello, Professor Eret!” Dream greets, setting his bag down on his desk.

Professor Eret turns around and smiles. “Oh hello, Dream! Lovely skirt you have there. The color really compliments your eyes.”

“Thank you,” Dream replies, flushing slightly. “I bought it from Gladrags’ Wizardwear.”

“Good choice,” Eret says approvingly. “Do you like skirts?”

“Yeah, I do.”

Eret’s smile grows even wider. “Then I’m very glad you found the courage to get one and wear it. Honestly, I think gender norms on clothing are stupid, don’t you?”

Dream nods in agreement. “I do, but my mom didn’t. She never let me wear girls’ clothing when I was growing up.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Eret says. “If you want my opinion, I think anyone can wear anything, regardless of their gender.” They laugh. “I guess you already know that, though, since I do wear dresses often.”

“I like your dresses,” Dream says. “Especially the strawberry one.”

“That one’s my favorite too,” Professor Eret agrees. “You know, Dream, I have a couple of skirts and dresses that I’ve bought but never used. If you want, I can drop them off in your dorm later, and you can see how you like them.”

Dream feels a spark of excitement. “Yes, please.”

“Great.” Eret grins and returns to writing on the chalkboard. With a smile on his face, Dream takes a seat and pulls out his journal, quill, and ink. Soon after, the rest of the students pile in, and the class begins. Dream dutifully takes notes, but the excitement of getting to try on new outfits later stays with him. Luckily, he manages to concentrate, and after about an hour, Professor Eret dismisses the class.

The next few classes go by in a breeze. In the final class, DADA, Captain Puffy tells Dream to stay back. He does, feeling a little nervous, and wonders if he’s in trouble. As it turns out, though, Puffy had simply wanted to compliment his skirt and offer him a bottle of nail polish and a kit of makeup. Dream gladly accepts the nail polish, which is another one of those ‘girly’ things his mom refused to let him try, but he turns down the makeup, simply because he has no idea how to apply it.

After that, he heads off to dinner. As is the norm right before a meal, the hallways are crowded with students desperate to soothe their growling stomachs. Dream decides to take a different route than usual, hanging a left right before the staircase and heading down the new corridor.

Which is where he runs into Techno.


Techno hurries through the hallways, clutching his bag tightly. His second to last class of the day has just ended, so now he needs to get back to his dorm and do some homework, before going to Astronomy. All of this means he’ll have to skip dinner, but he’d eaten a massive lunch, so it’s probably fine.

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