"Chapter «6»: The Dueling Club

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At 8 pm on a Monday night, the Great Hall looks much different than usual. All the tables have been cleared out, leaving a vast, empty room. Students mill around, talking and joking, all waiting for the Dueling Club to start. The club is held every week, on Monday nights, and always draws regular members, as well as newcomers who want to try their hand at dueling. It’s supervised by one or two teachers, usually Captain Puffy, since she’s the DADA professor.

Techno, of course, is one of those regulars, having participated in the club since 2nd year. He’s not just any old member, though. No, he’s the reigning champion of the club, because he’s never lost a single match since he started. Many people have tried, and failed, to dethrone him. This year, he’ll simply just enforce his title by winning some more.

Just then, Captain Puffy enters the hall, and the club officially begins. Now, Techno enjoys the Dueling Club for many reasons, and one of them is how it works. Members can challenge each other to a friendly duel, or simply stand on the sidelines and watch. For Techno, that means he can just wait for someone to challenge him, and someone always does- he is the champion, after all, and there are always people seeking to dethrone him. None have ever been able to do it, of course, but some have come close, and Techno enjoys the challenge of dueling against skilled people.

As people pair up and spread out to duel, Techno leans against the wall and observes. Captain Puffy walks around the room, overseeing the duels and giving advice. Before long, a Gryffindor 6th year comes up to Techno and challenges him. Techno agrees, and it only takes a quick duel to defeat the 6th year, who looks extremely disappointed as he walks away.

After that, a couple more people challenge Techno. He defeats them all, enjoying the boost it gives to his ego. Then again, when it comes to dueling, he supposes his ego doesn’t need much of an increase. At least he doesn’t brag about his title out loud- if Tommy was the champion, he’d be yelling about it nonstop.

“Oh, and for any newcomers,” Captain Puffy says as she circles back around to where Techno is standing. “This right here-” she pats Techno on the shoulder- “is our reigning champion. Techno’s never lost a single match, so if you think you can defeat him, go ahead and give it a try.”

“Great, give me more attention,” Techno deadpans. “Thanks, Captain.”

“Oh, hush, I know you like it,” Puffy teases. She winks at him before moving on, and Techno wonders how the hell she manages to read him that easily.

“So, reigning champion, huh?” a familiar voice asks from behind. Techno jumps, startled, and turns around to face the last person he’d expected to be here.


Said blonde wheezes softly. “No, I’m Sapnap, idiot,” he jokes. “Yes, of course it’s me.”

“What are you doin' here?” Techno asks, trying not to blush.

Dream shrugs. “Punz told me about this club, and I wanted to join. I was in a dueling club back at Ilvermorny, so I already know that I like dueling.”

“Cool,” Techno says, looking down at Dream. He’d never noticed how short the blonde is, but Merlin, is it adorable. His heart stops in his chest when Dream gazes back, emerald eyes sparkling and golden lashes fluttering delicately.

“Sooooooo,” Techno starts, dragging out the words. “You, uh, gonna duel someone?”

“Maybe,” Dream says with a tiny giggle. “I was thinking about challenging someone… someone with pink hair… and red eyes…”

It takes Techno a moment to realize, since Dream’s giggle had caused his brain to short-circuit. When he finally gathers his braincells, though, he blurts out, “Me?”

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