"Chapter «5»: Dream meets Benchtrio (plus Simpllumina pt. 2) "

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On a Saturday morning, a week after the eventful Quidditch match, Dream is walking through the halls of Hogwarts. His bag is slung over his shoulder, containing his notebooks, a roll of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink. Since there are no classes today, he wants to take the opportunity to finish his History of Magic essay. So, here he is, heading to the library.

He passes a couple of students, as well as Professor Eret. Dream waves at her and compliments them on their strawberry dress before moving on. As he walks past a row of classrooms, he hears voices from inside one. Curious, he stops and looks in.

Standing in the classroom are 3 third years, ranging from short to freakishly tall. From their robes, Dream can see one is a Gryffindor, one is a Ravenclaw, and one is a Hufflepuff.

"I honestly don't know how to describe it," the tall Ravenclaw boy says. He has white and black hair, split cleanly down the middle of his head, and heterochromia just like George, except instead of one blue eye and one brown eye, the boy has red and green eyes. He looks vaguely familiar. "You just do it."

"That's not very helpful, Ranboo," the blonde Gryffindor deadpans.

"Do it again," the Hufflepuff brunette says.

Shrugging, the Ravenclaw- Ranboo- points his wand at a dictionary that's lying on the floor. "Depulso!"

With a small bang and a flash of light, the dictionary shoots across the room and hits the opposite wall with a thud. Ranboo turns to the others and shrugs again.

"See, it's simple."

"Yeah, for you," the Gryffindor snarks. "You're a Ravenclaw. You're good at everything."

"Just try it again," Ranboo says. "Maybe you'll get it this time."

The Gryffindor scowls but obeys, pointing his wand at a throw pillow. "Depulso!"

The pillow doesn't move.

"Maybe you have to say throw pillow," the Hufflepuff suggests.

"I doubt it," the Gryffindor snaps. "I'm just bad. I'm never going to learn this spell in time for class on Monday."

"Maybe I can help," Dream interrupts, stepping into the classroom.

The 3 boys turn to look at him, and the Gryffindor raises a skeptical eyebrow. "You?"

"Well, yeah," Dream says. He learned the Banishing charm back at Ilvermorny, and he's sure he'll be able to do it now. "I know Depulso."

"I don't need help from a Slytherin," the Gryffindor snaps, turning away and trying again. "Depulso!"

The pillow, again, doesn't budge a single inch.

"Tommy, be nice," Ranboo chides. He smiles at Dream. "You can help."

"You're just sucking up to him 'cause he beat you," Tommy snarks.

"Says the person who spent the whole week raving about how good he is," the Hufflepuff points out.

"Oi! What the hell, Tubbo!"

Suddenly, Dream realizes where he's seen Ranboo before. "You're the one who scored the first goal, aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's me. You did really good for your first game."

"Thank you," Dream says, blushing slightly. "I honestly had no idea I could do that."

"Well, it was awesome!" Tubbo chimes in. "I was watching from the stands, and you were just hanging from your broom!"

"It wasn't that awesome," Tommy mutters, waving his wand again.

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