"Chapter «2»: The Sorting ft. Simpnoblade"

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Early in the evening, just after the sun has set, the Hogwarts Express pulls into the Hogsmeade station. As soon as the train stops fully, Techno leaps to his feet. The compartments are not made for someone as tall as him, and his legs are aching. He follows Wilbur and the gremlins out of the compartment, shoving pass other students and shuffling into the corridor. After a bit of difficulty, he manages to get his luggage and exit the train.

The night air is cold, and he pulls his robes closer to himself. A couple of first years file past, looking terrified, and he feels kinda bad for them, since many older students like to scare first years with scary stories. Techno himself has never done it, but Wilbur enjoys terrorizing 11 year olds, and Techno can't say it's not a little funny when they scream.

He boards the self-driving carriages (okay, they're not really self-driving, but he hasn't seen anyone die, so the thestrals aren't visible to him). The ride to the castle is short, and it's not long before he's in the Great Hall, also known as the Community Hall for some reason Techno still doesn't quite understand. It's here that he, Ranboo, and Wilbur separate from Tommy and Tubbo to go sit at the Ravenclaw table.

Fruit, the head prefect, greets them cheerfully. "Hey, guys. Ready for a new year?"

"No," Wilbur grumbles. "I don't want to do the O.W.Ls."

"We're Ravenclaws, Wilbur. We're supposed to like exhausting tests," Ranboo jokes.

"Yeah, Wilbur, what's wrong with you?" Techno says, never one to miss an opportunity to tease the brunette.

"Come on, Wilbur. How about Quidditch season? You excited for that?" Fruit asks.

Wilbur perks up a little bit at that. "Yeah, I am. This is the year we beat Slytherin!"

"There might be a chance for that, you know," Fruit says thoughtfully. "Sparklez graduated last year, and he was their seeker and captain. If the new seeker isn't as good, we'll definitely be able to beat them."

"Who's the new captain?" Techno asks.

Ranboo speaks up. "Punz. He contacted me over the summer and told me he got the position."

Fruit grunts. "That's not good. Punz is a beast."

"He's only a Chaser, though," Wilbur points out. "It's the Seeker that really matters."

"Hufflepuff will be a threat too," Techno mutters. "They've got Illumina."

"Hufflepuff lost to Gryffindor last year, though," Ranboo says.

"That was only because Michael knocked Illumina out with a bludger," Techno argues. "Otherwise they would've won."

"Right, I'll inform Calvin and Fundy of the new strategy: target Illumina," Fruit jokes.

Their conversation is interrupted by the double doors opening. Captain Puffy, the DADA professor, enters, followed by the first years. Techno quickly turns around on the bench to watch. The Sorting Ceremony is always interesting.

One newcomer catches his eye: a blonde boy who looks about Techno's age. Probably a transfer student, then. Techno wonders from which country. Maybe America, although it could also be France or one of those Scandiniavian countries.

Then the blonde turns, and Techno's heart stops in his chest. His mouth goes dry as the greenest eyes he's ever seen, sparkling brighter than emeralds, meet his own. Said eyes are framed by long golden lashes, the same color as the fluffy hair atop the boy's head. His rosy cheeks are flecked with freckles, a frankly adorable look. Plump pink lips part slightly, and Techno feels like he's about to faint.

F*ck. F*ck. This should be illegal, right? No one should be allowed to look this pretty.

"Hey, you good?" Wilbur murmurs, and Techno jumps. He glances at the brunette, who's looking at him with a slightly concerned expression.

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