"Chapter «9»: The O.W.Ls

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For the entirety of 5th year, there had been a heavy weight constantly on everyone’s shoulders. That weight, of course, is the O.W.Ls, the extremely difficult tests that will occur at the end of 5th year. Since September, Dream had done his best not to worry too much about it. Now, though, it’s May, and with less than a month until the O.W.Ls, he’s begun to worry a lot.

Preparations and studying for the O.W.Ls had been going on all year, but now that it’s May, the studying has really begun to ramp up. For the past week, Dream has spent every night staying up till 1 am to pore over textbooks and practice spells. Most of those nights had also been with the rest of the Feral Boys so they could help each other out.

Along with studying, they also had to figure out their future professions so they could know what classes they need to pass and what to focus on. Sapnap wants to be a professional Quidditch player, so he doesn’t need to worry much about the O.W.Ls. Karl, with his clairvoyance, wants to be a Divination teacher. Both George and Quackity want to work for the Ministry of Magic. And Dream has the most ambitious goal of all- he wants to be an Auror.

To be an Auror, Dream knows that he needs to graduate from Hogwarts with a N.E.W.T in at least 5 classes. After doing a bit of research, he decides that those 5 classes will be DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, and Herbology. In order to pass, he’ll need at least an E in each one, which is doable but still tough. And then, of course, he’ll still have to pass them again during the N.E.W.Ts in 7th year. For now, though, he just has to focus on making sure he can get an E, which brings him to where he is now, walking to the library.

As he walks, Dream goes through a mental checklist in his head. Herbology should be fine, since so far, he’s done well in every single class. Potions and Charms will both need a little bit of studying and touching up, particularly in the written parts, but after that they should be good as well. Transfiguration and DADA will require the most attention, since they’re his iffiest subjects on the list. He’s not bad at them- in fact, he does quite decently in both, but he doubts it’ll be enough to get him to an E.

In the library, Dream finds Techno sitting at one of the tables, hunched over a book. Perking up, he goes to join the pinkette. Maybe he and Techno can study together, since the Ravenclaw also wants to be an Auror.

“Hi, Techno,” Dream greets as he sits down.

“Hallo,” Techno says offhandedly, glancing up from his book.

“What’re you studying?”


“Cool. I need to study that as well. And Transfiguration.” With a long sigh, Dream takes out his books and flips one open.

“I can help you with Transfiguration,” Techno says. “What are you studyin’?”

“The Vanishing spell,” Dream replies. “That’s the one spell I can never seem to get. And I also need to go over some theory stuff.” He frowns down at the open book, scanning the page before jotting down a few notes.

“I know that one. If you want, I’ll teach you it later.”

“Yes, please,” Dream says gratefully.

Techno gives him a small smile. “Alright, then.” The pinkette returns to his book, tapping the end of his quill against his lip. For a moment, Dream watches the way Techno’s pink hair spills across his shoulders and onto the table, like strands of rosy silk. With an irritated huff, the Ravenclaw flicks a lock of hair away from his face, and Dream suddenly comes up with an idea.

“Can I braid your hair?” he asks.

Techno looks up, a startled expression on his face. “What?”

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