Stacie The Horse

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"Chloe? What was all that about?" Aubrey slammed the door behind her. "You and Beca are over, get over it Chloe."
"Are you serious? You're standing up for them?" Chloe's jaw dropped in shock.
"Chloe, she's my sister. I can't pick between you and my sister." Aubrey stated, raising her voice.
"Your half sister. Did you not hear what she said about you?" The red head questioned, proving her point.
"Chloe, she's still my sister and I love her." Aubrey pointed out. "You've got to get over her and stop creating these issues. Can't you see that she's clearly in love with Stacie?"
"She's not. She's just using her to make me jealous, I can tell." Chloe lied to herself. She knew for a fact that Beca loved Stacie, not her.
"Chloe, stop it. Beca doesn't love you, get that inside your head." Aubrey tried to convince Chloe. Aubrey hated having arguments with Chloe. "You know what, just forget it." Aubrey brushed the situation of her shoulders. She walked towards the bathroom.
"What? You're just gonna leave. You're just jealous that Beca loved me more than she loves you." Chloe said like a b*tch.
"You have no idea what me and Beca have been through. You have no right to say that Chloe. That was out of order." Aubrey roared at the shorter girl before entering the bathroom and locking the door. She slid down the back of the door and cried into her hands. The blonde kept secret blades in the upper deck of her toilet, where Chloe wouldn't find them. Aubrey took the blade and closed the kid of the toilet to sit on it. She held the blade close to her wrist, covered in scars already. Her hands shook as she went in for the kill. It was painful, but not as painful as the argument. Aubrey hissed. She continued to make little cuts across her wrists. The blood poured down her arm and onto the bathroom floor.
Once Aubrey was finished, she got some water and wiped the floors and her arms. Then she took her bracelets and covered the cuts with them and his the blade once again.
"Aubrey. Come out. Please." Chloe pressed her ear against the door and knocked. The blonde unlocked the door and walked through the doorway. "Aubrey, I'm sorry. For what I said to you. For everything I said. I shouldn't have. Please forgive me." The red head pressed her head against Aubrey's chest. Aubrey stroked her ginger hair.
"It's okay. Come on, let's forget about it and watch TV." The blonde took Chloe by the hand and sat her down. They stuck on the TV as Chloe nuzzled herself into Aubrey's stomach.
"I just miss her Aubrey."
"I know you do. It's okay. Things will get better." Aubrey patted Chloe's head down and they sat like this for hours on end...

In the Mitchell-Conrad-Swanson household...

"Where will you be taking me on this date o' Girlfriend of mine?" Stacie excitably asked.
"Ah, secrets my Stacie. All secrets." Beca poked her nose, enthusing Stacie's nosiness.
"Please tell me." Stacie pouted like a cute little puppy.
"Some things just have to wait my child." Beca poked Stacie on the nose and kissed her cheek. Stacie took Beca in for an embrace and leaned her chin on the top of her head.
"You're so cute." Stacie gushed her girlfriend. "I love that you're my girlfriend."
They both stood in the embrace for what felt like hours.
"Hey, d'you wanna go out for dinner?" Stacie pulled away from Beca and asked her.
"Yeah, sure. But let me hug you even more." Beca smiled as pulled her girlfriend back.
"Thanks Beca." Stacie pulled Beca down to the sofa.
"For what?" The short DJ asked, sitting up and crossing her legs.
"For everything. For this morning and everything you've said." Stacie sat up to meet Beca's eye contact. Beca took Stacie's arms and kissed her.
"Dude, I just realised that I just kissed my best friend and it wasn't weird because she's now my girlfriend." Beca blurted out a laughter.
"You're really smart short stuff." Stacie fluffed her girlfriends hair. Beca sat forward and kissed her again.
"Where do you wanna go for dinner?" Beca asked her tall, brunette girlfriend.
"I don't mind, but I'm gonna go get dressed. I will see you when I get out." Stacie kissed her girlfriend one last time before going to her room to get dressed.
Beca loved Stacie skipped to her bedroom in joy. She smiled as her girlfriend peeked her head around the door one last time before going inside. Beca loved how the outfit she chose made her eyes look brighter.

After dinner and in the morning...

"Good morning Baby." Stacie rolled over and put her arm around Beca's stomach.

"Guten morgen." Beca replied.

"Forgot you aced German." Stacie sniggered.

"Yeah I did. Just like you aced Italian." Beca replied, smiling.

"So, what are you gonna do for our date?" Stacie begged an answer off Beca.

"Not saying." Beca zipped her mouth closed. Stacie played along and tried unzipping her mouth.

"Please?" Stacie pouted.

"Nope, not giving in. No matter how cute you look." Beca confessed.

"I do look pretty damn adorable." Stacie said with a smug look.

"You know what's more adorable?" Beca asked.

"What?" Stacie cocked an eyebrow. Beca attacked her stomach. She tickled her girlfriend to her enjoyment. Stacie burst into hysterics.

"Stop Beca stop." Stacie said, laughing to death.

"This is freaking adorable." Beca chuckled, still tickling Stacie all over. Stacie finally broke from Beca's grip. She ran to the living room where the elf followed her. They stood at the opposite ends of the sofa. Beca predicted her girlfriends every move. Stacie made a pounce for a cushion whilst she wasn't looking Beca attacked her again. The taller brunette whacked Beca with the cushion. But Beca grabbed the cushion and tossed it to the ground, giving Stacie no protection.

"Stop stop." Stacie coughed, still laughing slightly. Beca had pinned her down to the sofa and straddled her lap.

"That was the cutest thing ever." Beca announced.


"You laughing." Beca kissed Stacie's forehead. She flopped onto her stomach and lay across Stacie.

"You know we've gotta go practice Beca." Stacie pushed up her shoulders.

"Yeah, I know. But give me give minutes. Just lying here." Beca put up one finger. Beca wanted to lie on top of Stacie forever, where the taller brunette would forever be protected. Stacie wrapped her arms around Beca's bare waist, giving the dwarf chills.

"I love you Beca." Stacie whispered.

"I love you too Stacie." Beca didn't move.

"C'mon my little pumpkin, let's go practice." Stacie lifted Beca up.

"In our pyjamas?"

"Yes." Stacie said proudly, marching out of the apartment.

"I don't have any shoes on." Beca wrapped her arms around herself, keeping as warm as possible.

"That's why I'll be carrying you." Stacie gestured for Beca to hop on her back.

"Let's go Horse!"


Hope you enjoyed. Gimme some storylines and chapter names!

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